Wraith didn't particularly want to stick around to hear what the other heroes had to say. He needed to get away from the strong, suppressed emotions coming from the Bat. It was just too much for him, being as tired as he already was. So he decided to start off his own search with a man who owed him a favor. This man knew just about everything that went on in the underbelly of this city. Ka'van flew down to the parking lot of a rough looking bar. He shifted from his Wraith form, the cloak disappearing like smoke, and into his normal, every day appearance. Which, mind you, still drew eyes to him. Ka'van came in the door, a fluster of angst, anger, and drunken masculinity hitting him in the face. There was a biker gang present, drinking themselves silly and playing poker in the corner. A few young gentlemen who likely had several felonies to their names watched him like a hawk as he walked up to the bar. There, the bartender, a man with a few missing teeth and a facial scar from several stitches, turned to greet him. "Hey! Alien guy. Didn't think I'd be seeing you so soon." Ka'van gave a polite smile. "I could say the same. I need some information. Do you know anything about any Bane activity in town?" Ka'van kept his voice down, but the bartender, paranoid, shifted his eyes around the room. "Why don't we go out back to talk about it, huh?" He said, stepping around the bar and opening the back door of the building. Ka'van agreed. The not-so-cleanly man limped outside to the trash containers and immediately lit up a cigarette. "So, Bane, huh? What're you doing hunting him down? I thought you only went after petty crooks." "I do more on occasion." "Well, good luck with that, kid. I [i]did[/i] hear he was back in town. There was something going on at the old Rhymer building. You know where that is?" "Roughly." "Yeah, just go west on the north boulevard until it looks like a bomb went off. The bad side of town. You might wanna hold on tight to your wallet." "I don't have one." "Well, in any case. That's where I'd start if I wanted to get myself in some real deep shit. Good luck to ya'. And remember, you didn't hear it from me." "Of course." With that, the grimy bartender headed back inside. Ka'van looked up into the sky, then shifted back into his Wraith form to lift himself up into the air. The Rhymer building was a factory about twenty years ago, before it shut down. Now, it was just a skeleton resting against the skyline. It was, as the man had put it, in a bad side of town. Surely he'd find [i]something[/i] there. Maybe he should call some backup, just in case... "I'm heading to the old Rhymer factory. I may need some backup to search the place; it's rather large." Ka'van spoke into his communication device, hoping that someone would just meet him there. He doubted that whatever was happening there earlier was still going on.