[h1][color=00aeef]Ernest LaCreux[/color][/h1] Ernest nodded, listening to Chi-You's advice on the matter. At her suggestion of impending tragedy, he merely nodded with a grave, but determined expression. [color=00aeef]“Oh, I'm well aware of that. I assure you, I am prepared for whatever misfortune might lay before us, but... having said that, I am willing to risk anything for this.”[/color] In truth, as far as he was concerned, there was little risk involved. This would likely be the only opportunity he would ever have to achieve such an impossible thing. If he failed, he would be no worse off than he was before... well, perhaps he would be dead, but that wasn't too far off from the husk of a person the last few years had turned him into. [color=00aeef]“But on to our plan. Of course we will want to avoid drawing too much attention, so ideally we should strike decisively. Perhaps we could find a way for you to lure this Servant away from his Master, and then I could have my Thralls strike while she is unguarded.” [/color]He thought for a second. [color=00aeef]“But location is important as well, maybe if we-”[/color] Ernest felt a faint buzzing in the back of his head, a sort of 'alert' from the Thrall at the Church. [color=00aeef]“One moment.”[/color] He closed his eyes, transferring his consciousness to the puppet. The conversation between Ruler and the newly awakened female Master sent a shiver down his spine. He wasn't the only one who had been attacked by that [i]thing[/i]. As they spoke, he was already drawn towards the thought of removing that empty abomination. It only made sense. As much as he tried to portray the stoic aristocrat, some part of Ernest was still the emotional young man he had once been, an that thing[i][/i] had very nearly crushed the only hope he had. The idea of vengeance was one he was already fond of, but if the other Masters went out too, they surely would have a better chance at crushing that [i]thing[/i]. The idea was cemented with Ruler's declaration. There would be a meeting to discuss the interference in the current War. Ernest opened his eyes. [color=00aeef]“Chi-You, I'm sorry to inform you that our plans have been postponed. Ruler has declared that all of the Servants are to meet in the Eastern field at sunset to discuss a strategy for dealing with interference in the Grail War, that is, a plan to remove the third-party who killed my previous Servant.” [/color]He looked toward the Tyrant, gauging her reaction. The prospect had to be a bit of a letdown for her.[color=00aeef] “Masters have also been invited, and I plan to attend, as I seem to be one of the few who has directly interacted with this interloper. We are forbidden from targeting the other Masters and Servants in any capacity for the moment, though perhaps this meeting will allow us to view the competition in greater detail.”[/color] [h1][color=00aeef]Thrall Un[/color][/h1] [h2]The Church[/h2] The Thrall listened intently to the conversation between Ruler and the noisy young woman who had just awakened from its position by the Church's door. The figure nodded silently, as if agreeing to the proposition, before speaking up in Ernest's typical fashion.[color=00aeef] “We shall certainly attend, Ruler. I'd like to see this... problem dealt with as quickly as possible.”[/color] The Thrall bowed before turning toward the door. [color=00aeef]“Until then, adieu.”[/color] The puppet made its way out of the Church and back toward the city. It didn't seem to be heading toward Ernest's house, but rather to some random location. It still traveled at a casual speed, drawing very little attention to itself as it strolled along. [@Holy Grail] [@Moonlit Sonata] [@SIGINT] [@Beloss] [@Cu Chulainn] @Errbody In Earshot