So, I like to roleplay in games like the Elder Scrolls or Fallout. I mean, they are RPGs after all. I've been getting into skyrim again so I wanted to share my character and hear about any of yours. [center][h3]Numerius the True Wizard[/h3][/center] Numerius Titian is a true wizard. Not a mage or sorcerer, using his hands to cast spells. While Numerius concedes that this is a valid form of magic and uses hand casting to keep his skill in Destruction and Restoration up, he believes it is inferior to the use of a Staff. Numerius believes magic users are too rigid in their practice. No armor, no weapons, spells only! Magic isn't rigid, Numerius knows it is fluid and when channeled through the magic wood of a Staff, it's more powerful than any measly spell. He also believes that relying solely on magic and letting your body go to ruin is foolish because even spells and staves can fail one where a weapon will not. So he carries a blade with him as well as a staff, using only hand casting for healing and training in the schools of magic. Numerius is not concerned with magical power for power's sake, like other magic users. A True Wizard uses magic to unlock the mysteries of the world and the universe, not as a petty tool for the domination of other beings. Numerius traveled to Skyrim to study the many ruins there, the Dwemer and The Ancient Nords. To observe the unique societies of the Forsworn and Falmer. And possibly even try to converse with a giant. A True Wizard pursues knowledge for knowledge's sake, this is Numerius' philosophy. But he wasn't always like this, no, see Numerius isn't a young Imperial (At least not by Tamriel's standards). He was a battlemage in The Great War for the Empire. Seeking magical power and glory. Using his physical prowess and arcane intellect to dominate both warriors and mages alike. But after the war was over and the dust settled, Numerius saw it as a massive waste of life and potential, a misuse of the wonders of magic. So he left the Legion and joined the mages guild, spending years studying with them. While he was there, Numerius became fascinated with Staves. No other object could channel the kind of power a Staff could and contain it as safely as a Staff, not even enchanted weapons. Numerius began to learn the craftsmanship and knowledge behind staves and soon they became one of his specialties. But not even a True Wizard can focus on knowledge all of the time. Such was fate, Numerius laid eyes on a lovely dunmer woman, a fellow magic user and member of the mages guild. Evitha was her name. By this time, Numerius was 30 years old and a respected wizard at the Arcane University. People around the university knew his name and reputation, so it was almost too easy for Numerius to arrange a date with her. She was funny, beautiful, brilliant, and Numerius fell completely in love with her. 7 months after they had their first dinner together, they were married. 9 months after that, their daughter was born. Arvianne Titian. For sometime, magic and research took a backseat to Numerius' family but after a year or so he returned to the university to teach and research as he had done before. Evitha had always been a savvy woman, savvy to people and politics in a way Numerius couldn't even fathom. As the years went by and little Arvianne grew into childhood, Numerius was disconcerted by the amount of politics that had entered the mages guild and how well Evitha played that field. They began to have arguements about her involvement in the political spectrum, especially in regards to the omnipresent Thalmor, who Numerius' despised with a passion. Despite these arguments they were still a happy couple with a beautiful child. Until...they weren't. It was a week after Arvianne's 7th birthday, 4E 191. Numerius was returning home late after a hard day of research. He was so tired he didn't notice that his bedroom door was completely closed. It never was completely closed. When he opened the door he saw his darling Evitha in bed with a high elf aristocrat. Then he saw red. Numerius grabbed the bastard and yanked him out of the bed flinging him across the room and tackling him into the wall. He hadn't been this angry in years, not since the war. Numerius beat that elf senseless, coming just short of killing him. He didn't listen to anything Evitha said, if she said anything at all. He just left the room and went to see his daughter. Numerius knew he had to leave after that rampage on a noble's face. He wasn't concerned, he had been wanting to travel tamriel and expand his research for years. He desperately wanted to take Arvianne with him, but he knew he couldn't. That was no life for a young girl, venturing into dangerous territory in the pursuit of knowledge. Away from her mother. So Numerius left Cyrodil and became a traveling scholar, venturing all around the continent in pursuit of knowledge. He wandered for 10 years, eventually making his way towards Skyrim to study the ancient civilizations and unique cultures that Skyrim was known for. He was captured by the Empire while trying to cross the border. I'm sure you all know the rest... (What are your characters? I would love to see some development as long as mine :D)