[quote=@Assallya] Questions: 1) What is this group's Creed? What brings them together? Are they bloodthirsty villains? What is their goal? 2) How do they avoid attracting the attention of the Jedi? 3) How does the esteemed leader have a lightsaber when only the Jedi and Sith know how to make them? [/quote] 1. They are staunch believers in the way of the Dark Side, and are unbending in their fascination and dedication to the ways and traditions of the Sith. This dedication to the Dark Side and to their Master as well as their "group loyalty" mentality binds them together. Aside from the Grand Master and the Inquisitor, the other cultists ages range from early twenties to late twenties. The grand majority of the cultists were either adopted or kidnapped by the Inquisitor as children and brought to the Grand Master to be raised and trained in the ways of the Jedi and the Dark Side. This generation of Outcasts is the first generation of the cult. When the Inquistor destroys the Grand Master, then the second generation will be "rounded up" from across the galaxy and trained just as the first were. The Inquisitor will then become the Grand Master, and they will then choose a new Inquisitor to replace the now vacant spot, and the cycle repeats from there. As for their purpose and goals, tis rather simple; scouring the Galaxy in search of both Sith and Jedi ruins and gathering artifacts and knowledge, as well as upholding the teachings of the Sith and maintaining their souls and minds to the ways of the Dark Side, and of course gathering and converting young children and teenagers and guiding then down the path of Darkness, so that they may become masters and phrophets of the Dark Side. 2.Thus far The Outcasts have managed to avoid Jedi discovery and persecution due to the fact that they have predominantly remained secluded within the Outer Rim and the uncharted regions of the Galaxy. This however, is soon to change. 3.The leader of The Outcasts is actually a former Jedi Knight, who has been presumed dead by the Jedi Order for nigh on 25 years now. Highly skilled and trained in all aspects of the Jedi's arts and knowledge, he has retained this information for decades now and taught it all to his first generation students. This includes manipulation of the Force and the construction of a lightsaber.