The air in the hall was ripe with anticipation as a few on-lookers began the telltale sign of gossip throughout the crowd. Apparently her guest and her entourage would be the talk of the Mangrove as her apparent companion for the next two months emerged. It was hard to keep her face neutral as the girl before her was slip of thing in some monstrous attire of pink..never had Ti'Dama seen such a brilliant color aside from the occasional water lily. Would it be expected of her dress in such uncomfortable-looking frilly and restricting. She had a touch of sympathy for the girl as her hair appeared unruly from the humidity. Even her apparent chaperon looked as if she had just stepped in dung..or was it just the unpleasant expression on her face that made her seem so..rude. A few mummers of her father's men were apparent admiration of the grizzled-looking man, a warrior judging by the blade at his waist. His expression seemed alert, but comfortable it seemed he had traveled around a bit. The next words that came out of her guest's mouth were bubbly and pleasant..almost too sugary to even hear as Ti'Dama's mouth twitched hidden by the veil concealing her face. While her father's face was clear amusement at the girl's forward nature as his men chuckled at the girl's introduction. Such an enthusiastic introduction was unheard of in the Swamp as her people were a more suspicious lot of strangers..but given the girl's appearance she would at least win points with her father for her dedication to put on a happy face. While her mother was practically beaming as Peachie's demeanor, possibly hoping her nature would help rub off on her quieter daughter. As the shock of the bright dress wore off the crowd, let set off another wave of whispers as the Lady Noire rose from her seat..disrobing the net-like robe. It was tradition of her House to bear one's soul in truth of the guest..but it was still a sight to see. Beneath her robes was attire similar to Ti'Dama aside from her lower half and arms. Her entire torso was inked in black-scales down both sides of her stomach down to her bare feet. Her arms were covered in a translucent fabric revealing more scale-like tattoos this time in a brilliant silver like an insect's wings with black spacing. Pale feet brushed against the moss-covered floor as the matron of the house showed the girl a gentle smile before stepping almost all to close to her revealing her true eyes. Compounded like an insect's each one seeming to be looking in a different direction but still that piercing jade color as her voice finally broke the silence [i]"I hope you feel welcome here, child. I am sure my daughter will be most willing to teach you our culture and ways. I do hope you will do the same for her". [/i] A gruff throat cleared as her husband came up to stand next to her giving her a light bow as his voice rumbled out [b]"Forgive my wife. She can be a touch excited when meeting..outsiders. I am the Lord of Noire, you may address me as Lord Wen and my dearest wife is Lady Ikle".[/b] A laugh escaped her mother as she gently patted the girl's hand before stating [i]"Ikle, is just fine. Lady Peachie..I have never been one for titles you see. I see you have fallen victim to our land's tiniest not worry our healers will give you a special ointment to fend them off..". [/i]Gently dropping the girl's hand as Ikle turned her gaze to her shy daughter before beckoning her forward as the girl looked away pretending to be distracted. Strangers had never been her forte..much less such haughty seeming ladies of..'true' nobility. Unfortunately for her, introductions would be made..with or without her protest as a loud hissing sound came from the crowd as the busy hall hastily parted for the source of the sound. It was a massive alligator with brilliant white scales like the stars in the sky, even it's eyes were a milky white aside from specks of grey as it's large claws scraped against the floor as it lumbered to the stalling heir before the sound of a tail slapping against her bare back echoed in the hall. A hissing sound escaped the heir as she hunched over from the force as the beast became a beautiful woman, black nails tightly grabbing the heir's ear as her voice hissed out akin to the gator's greeting [b][u]"Stupid nestling, did you go deaf since we last visited..".[/u][/b] The heir merely shook her head no as her teacher released her grip before lightly shoving her in the right direction. Gently removing her veil as her golden gaze displayed her utter irritation despite her expression being as calm as still water. Waving her hands towards waiting servants as their hands grasped bowls filled with herbs and incense approaching the waiting group as Ti'Dama rubbed her throat nervously before gently grabbing a handful of the herbs and taking a deep breath. The faint scent of smoke mingled with the offering as she gently waved it over the guests as she circled the group before her voice rasped out [color=gold] "May the Swamp guide your steps and ward you from danger. May shame fall on the House Noire if you be lost to it's depths..". [/color] It was a serious oath her people took in ensuring their guests safety and comfort. Internally she was ready to the cry at the thought of having to become her new companion's shadow..given one misstep could mean another letter to her father..of mourning. Returning the slightly smoking pile to a nearby servant as Ti'Dama gave a dip of her own before announcing calmly [color=gold]"My name is Ti'Dama..heir to the House Noire..I look forward to your companionship..Lady Peachie. I am sure your own upbringing has valuable insights into the world..I am afraid my..own education hasn't been as clear in that..". [/color] It was the honest truth as the mere thought of being clad in a frilly outfit to be paraded about like some fine beast for sale. Much less attempt to dance with a perfect stranger sent a shiver down her spine. Her upbringing was one of survival and to listen to her blood's call to magic..courtly manners and love had taken a backseat to that. A soft laugh came from the background as Madam Ama circled around both her student and her new guest, it wasn't one of welcoming but almost predatory sizing up the new nestling to be under her care. Madam Ama was one of the Witches of the Swamp and took haughty pride in living up to the rumors of the land. Her hair was a piercing white like her scaled Beast form swinging freely down to her bare feet. Her toe nails were edged and as black as night clicking on the floor with each step. Her attire was less concealing too as her simple robe was tight fitting furs slit up to her mid thigh held together by vines twined together. The visible flesh of her chest and stomach were curiously rough-looking as if rough to the touch as her black lips smiled revealing surprisingly pointed teeth. Halting in her inspection as her voice hissed out a bit mocking [u][b]"This is to be the snow chick I will be observing along with the silly nestling..Very well. You, snow chick and stupid nestling..follow me. I will show you to your quarters that will be shared. Yes, you will be try to fight me on will be your last words...besides the gifts from House Ap'Arthmael have been placed there already..and I will not have the servants hold their chores to accommodate your whims..". [/b][/u] A softer voice broke the Madam's triade as Ikle gave a faint smile to both girls "[i]Ah, forgive the Madam Ama and her..brunt nature, she will be your escort about the Swamp and guardian. She is one of our..renowned Witches and has been Ti'dama's teacher since her youth. Do not worry child..her tongue is much more fierce than her bite..".[/i] A hoarse chuckle escaped Wen as he barked out [b]"Well..her bite is still a thing to behold..Ikle..I should know..".[/b] His throat bore a scar from her reptile jaws as a pointed nail poked it as Madam Ama snipped [u][b]"You did not heed my warnings to stay away during her time under my deserve that scar..". [/b][/u]Wen merely shrugged his shoulders before clapping a friendly hand on the grizzled knight [b]"Now you seem like you could use a not worry for your charge..she is in good hands".[/b] Giving a small bow to the guests before retreating to his waiting warriors who began gently poking fun for insulting the scaled and ill-tempered Witch. While Ikle gave another encouraging smile before turning her attention to the waiting relative on her face "Your quarters shall be next to the girls..if you need anything..please do not be afraid to ask. Now do excuse me I must attend to a few impatient merchants and the husband is not one for such affairs it seems". Gently patting Peachie's hand and gently cupping her shy daughter's face before turning away as she seated herself back on the snake throne swarmed by her waiting visitors. Only four remained as Madam Ama clapped her hands together before turning away [b][i]"Now that the..greetings are over, if you would please follow me..Snow Chick and Nestling..and..whoever the lady accompanying you is..seems she isn't too important to be without introduction..". [/i][/b] Her voice became a bit colder as her words bit [b][i]"Unless she isn't willing to follow the savage. Such tricky advanced technology..stairs are. Perhaps keep your danity lips this could say few things sneak past a Witch such as myself..".[/i][/b] Word traveled quickly through the Swamp..ears were everywhere..but it was better to hid such news behind mystic.. Without waiting for a retort, Madam Ama headed to the nearby stairwell with Ti'Dama on her heels with a burning face in a mixture of embarrassment and shame. Eventually the group made their way up the moss-covered stairs climbing higher and higher as the air seemed to cool down away from the murky waters. The walls weren't covered in paintings or trappings like a proper noble but with climbing vines and flowers branching off from them..peaceful in a way. While a heavy curtain of furs and vines made up the door to the shared quarters as Madam Ama opened it for the two before waving off the third party member [b][i]"Your room is the one to the right..if you are seeking rest.".[/i][/b] The Witch saw nothing to be gained to play mocking niceties to a unwelcome guest as she presented the room. Well, the sitting room as comfortable chairs waited around a sweet-smelling brazier burning incense to give the room atmosphere. Valuable furs waited for a host as Madam Ama took a seat before rumbling out [b][i]"Lady Peachie, if you prefer that in private..your quarters are to the remember to close the netting around your sleeping area least the bugs disrupt your sleep. Ti'Dama yours are to the right..".[/i][/b] Her instructions were interrupted by the sound of giggling and loud footsteps as a trio of youths suddenly burst through the doorway and clung to the cold woman teetering all the while. Each child looked different from one another aside from their eyes..the same piercing white color as their mother as questions poured from each mouth in rapid succession [u]"Mama, Mama, who is the pretty lady!", "Do you think she plucked water lilies for days to make her outfit..Mama I want one of like it..".."Think she will catch fireflies with us..or help me find the biggest frog?".[/u] A loud hissing sound similar to her entrance escaped the Witch as her brood fell silent [b][u]"Hush children..I am sure the Ladies have no wish to hear your questions. The pretty woman is Lady not pester her Silke..Misha..I am afraid you will have to wait thousands of springs to collect that many water lilies..Piko..if you ask politely on another night..". [/u][/b] For the first time, the Witch's voice was warm and gentle as she found herself pulled by her children eager to go play, laughing under her breath as her expression attempted to remain serious and failed. Her departing words were sterner commands [b][u]"Ah, your gifts from the House Ap'Arthmael's Lord Llewelyn are underneath the chairs..and be ready to break your fast as soon as the sun rises..we will giving our honored guest..a better sight of our land. Sleep well..".[/u][/b] More words seemed ready to be said, but against three children..the mother was helpless but to give in their requests. An uncomfortable silence settled over the sitting room. Rubbing her throat as Ti'Dama sat down in one of the chairs before clearing her throat. Her voice was a bit hesitant and shy as a flush graced her face made more evident by her paler complexion as she rambled [color=gold] "Do forgive Madam Ama..she is a more stricter guardian..but means for her children..I am afraid you will be seeing a few more of them around as courtiers and..'practice' for patience and..readying for motherhood. [/color] A visible flinch passed over Ti'Dama face as she said the word motherhood. [color=gold] " Thankfully all seven of them have inherited the demeanor of their see Witches have the tendency to pass on their magical talent..and Madam Ama's brood is one of the larger ones..a bit overprotective at times..if almost too patient..". [/color] Her rambling came to a hasty halt as another blush came over her face in realization of her prattling was possibly unwarranted and obnoxious as her hands grasped the package before gently opening it admiring the careful bundle of herbs..while her fingers traced the delicate craftsmanship of the pipe. Her father would appreciate it..and her mother's healers..the herbs. Glancing up with a curious expression [color=gold] " I wonder why the Lord has sent such gifts..surely courting a stranger without meeting them first is..improper..I am afraid I do not know the customs of such a land..What do you think Lady Peachie..". [/color] Placing the pipe on her lap as her rough fingers traced in anxiously before asking politely..but almost without feeling [color=gold]"I hope your trip was little was it?..". [/color]