[@Doc Doctor] [b]Steer[/b]: [i]{Blankly Handing.}[/i] It was the opposite for Steer. Mind you he didn’t start off as a great Martial Artists, but a good many years of traveling, a tutorship that revolved around that AND made him form his own method of Chi utilization made Steer the man he was now. Not invincible, not the perfect form of Martial Arts incarnate, no, none of the above…But he liked to think he was damn good at it one way or another. This was evident to Tom no doubt given the current actions but for his lack of ‘formal training’ his display and abities were keeping Steer on his toes. Simplicity at its finest or so it seemed, though Steer had to admit those weird names were…just that, weird and slightly silly. Nothing bad about it, it had proven effective once, and now twice as the curse was apparent upon striking. “Fuck…” Speaking of cursing, Steer mentally cursed himself for at least not activating ‘Blue Eyes’, might of saved him a problem or two, or he’d at least be able to detect Kentuckies magical influence while it was in the act. Sadly this wasn’t the case here and Steer found…his sight not fading but getting worse. Well that was just plain annoying…and…and was that physical matter forming randomly over his face? It was just what…Oh…Oh.. “Tom, you got one weird ass school of magic, broski…URK!” Despite the words, it was an exchange of blows. While he flung his left arm for a punch, Steers mind recalled what it saw, Toms positioning and where a thing or two was, and since they were so close? He opted to forego defense in exchange for, well, literally exchanging blows. Kentuckies left and right hand in use meant Steers left was able to be used as well. About the same time he flung the punch, Steer flung what looked like a claw like ‘palm’…Towards Kentuckies neck. He didn’t need to get a full grasp, he just needed to get close enough. On the left hand, just like the right had done previously, that gray colored film had formed, only this time with a faint reddish outline. Unlike the first Chi blast, this was a Chi blast infused with a part of the Emotional Heptagon; Anger. Utilizing the reasoning of ‘well this jerk DIDN’T keep to melee, he just used magic first’ as a light outlet for Anger, Steer channeled his chi with Anger based properties outward into left hand and just as Kentuckies fist landed with his nose, he should feel something along the lines of the Chi from before…Only laced with a burning searing feeling that felt like a small fire on the skin of his neck that’d hurt but oddly enough NOT in what one could call a ‘killing’ way…Remember light powers, no raging infernos, searing blue flames or the rare ‘nuclear’ option, just simple harmful but NOT meant to kill heat applied to the neck! This served two purposes in itself, as a foot note. Steer was well aware Kentucky could utilize his own right arm to possibly stop this, both being on the same level of each other, but if he did, well, long story short, his previous right hand strike would of stayed firmly on Kentuckies left side, sought to grab onto the clothing at that and if he thought it hurt first, well, if he bopped the left hand away, imagine feel that Chi on the same spot again only with the seering potency of the Anger ‘edge’. Easily traversable if needed, in fact Kentuckies reaction would dictate what occurred to an extent but regardless Steer got hit, without a chance to roll with the punch either and that hurt! Caused his feet to pace backward, one step for either, possibly still ‘glass-sighted’ or not, but such details were left up to the ‘Blind Nerd’ spell itself!