> [color=#0000EE][u]Ryan: Continue towards your inevitable demise.[/u][/color] Ryan can’t continue towards his inevitable demise because he’s too busy being Tigerdeath. [img]http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff517/ryik7/Tigerdeath_zps64648f24.png[/img] This is your life now. > [color=#0000EE][u]Tigerdeath: Enough of this nonsense, go back to being the Nutjob McStupidhair [/u][/color] Tigerdeath can’t be Nutjob McStupidhair because he’s too busy being Bell. That is to say, you’re too busy being Bell. What do you do? > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Install those disks![/u][/color] While that would be a very wise and prudent thing to do, instead of wasting time doing nothing forever; it looks like that won’t be possible. Your mother only gave you one maroon package! The parcel only contained one disk, when you were clearly told by your friend there would be two of them. Not only that, but you have the sneaking suspicion that you have here a server disk instead of a client one. And while that’s all well and good, you want to have a more tangible hands on experience. You’ve planned to have someone else be your server player since the beginning. You don’t want to mess up by installing this first and accidentally locking yourself into the wrong position. > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Look inside notebook.[/u][/color] While you might be inclined to do that at another time your mom locked you up, today’s not that kind of day. You have bigger fish to fry. You don’t have time to sit around writing lengthy stories about crime-fighting vigilante and their countless romantic going-ons. Also, you’re not sure why you said that, because you don’t like showing anyone those stories. In fact, forget you said that. Okay, you forgot what you said. Everyone is very proud of themselves. > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Fry the bigger fish.[/u][/color] That’s sort of an abstract command but alright, you’ll make it work. Heading to your filing cabinet you flip through all your cases. In the “L” section lost items take up a large portion of space, but one particular folder catches your eye. You pick it up, making sure not to captchalogue it. Inside you have your trusty lock-picks. Of course your mother knows you have these. Keeping them “hidden” in here is just a formality. Because you know she knows. And as she knows you know she knows, it’s now a game of authority. You tuck the file back where it belongs and- Oh god damnit. You captchalogue the lock-picks. Now hidden in your packed Sylladex, you’re going to have to spin to get them out. You don’t even know why you have so much junk in there, you only have like 10 slots. Another notebook occupies one, while a pencil does another. The third is taken up but some peppermints, and another by a few baseballs. After that you have some computer parts taking up a slot. An outfit fills another and some dirty laundry one more after it. There’s a portable generator with some cord taking up one of the last few cards, and to finish it off are your lock-picks, and phone. Oh well. Only one thing to do. > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Spin the wheel.[/u][/color] With a good turn of the wheel it goes flying. You’ve learned from experience that nudging it slowly to the desired item doesn’t work. The blur of colors goes by annnnnd… You are the proud new owner of a brand new car! Car meaning pencil. Brand new meaning old. Gross, looks like you chewed the end of it. > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Try again.[/u][/color] Here goes nothing! Off it goes. Getting slower. Slower… Slower... Sloooooooooower... … .. . And your phone drops to the floor. Thank goodness you bought that phone case. You’ve lost more than one device to this pesky wheel. > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Spin better this time![/u][/color] Third time’s the charm! Using your good pitching arm you send the wheel turning. Turning to a stop the slot with your lock-picks is one off of the arrow! The little peg is holding it there buuuuut… The last bit of inertia drops it over the line! The picks fall into your hands and you’re good to go! You pick up your pencil and phone. No need to leave em lying around you figure. > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Unlock the door.[/u][/color] It’s not locked dummy. It just has a heavy as shit suit of armor or something blocking it. You head to the window instead. Mom changes the locks on this one often, but she never buys anything too heavy duty. If she did then you wouldn’t be able to get out unless you broke some glass. Of course she wouldn’t care about replacing it, but that has no style. It doesn’t conform to her rules. And it doesn't sit well with your pride. No, instead she just changes it. This way she knows you can get out if you work hard enough. Hard enough to go against her wishes. It’s just a question if you will do it. Of course that answer is yes. With a good amount of effort the lock drops to the floor. You put the picks back in your sylladex and slip out the window. The perfect crime. Stepping carefully onto the ledge underneath the window, you shimming carefully, with your back to the wall. Thankfully it’s not a very windy day. You look down to the grassy patch below you. Between the fence and your house is a bit of property that belongs to you (your mom) and while it looks nice and poofy it isn’t going to catch your fall. Luckily you’re pretty good with sticking the landing. You’ve messed up before and broke your leg, but that just made you want to do better. It also got the whole class to eventually come over and sign your cast, which was pretty cool. You continue on around the perimeter of the house, and while the corner is always the worst part, you successfully turn around it to face the backyard. A little more nudging along and you can drop safely down to the balcony. This is how you almost always get out of the house. You suppose you should check the mailbox now? Maybe mom left it there just to spite you. Of course she could have it hidden away somewhere in the house. Worse yet, she could have it on her person. You don’t know you have another round of STRIFE in you today… What to do? > [color=#0000EE][u]Bell: Notice your phone alert.[/u][/color] Oh! It looks like another of your friends is messaging you. You hardly have any time to get to buisness with all these people hounding you. You wonder what this guy could want? [hider=Pesterlog] -- targetedAudience [color=#834732][TA][/color] began pestering triflingAnarchist [color=#83E5D9][TA][/color] [color=#834732]TA: Hey[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Hey yourself.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: What’s going on?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Not much. Breaking out of windows, avoiding parental gazes. Attempting to get lifesaving game disks. TA:Business as usual.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: I don’t really get what you mean but i’m sure that makes perfect sense in context. What sort of game disks? [/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Duh, the one’s Izen sent us all. TA: You should have gotten some in the mail. Noticeable by a shocking maroon colored packaging.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: Oh. Yeah those. I think I got them, lying around here somewhere. I guess that means the apocalypse is today?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Hypothetically speaking yes.[/color] [color=#834732]TA:Don’t believe him?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA:No, I don’t. TA: Wait, do you?[/color] [color=#834732]TA: I’m not sure. I think I’m getting more open to the idea. Of believing him that is. Not the world ending.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Honestly that surprises me a little. TA: Any reason why?[/color] [color=#834732]TA: Who knows. I think Ryan is rubbing off on me or something. He likes to believe in things. Guy’s like an anime protagonist.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Hah! I don’t even know if he’s allowed to watch anime.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: Which makes it even funnier.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Lol[/color] [color=#834732]TA: So if you’re looking for those disks I guess that means you’re going to play the game?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Well obviously. Are you not going to? TA: You literally just stated that you might think the world is ending, and this is your only given way out. Do you WANT to die?[/color] [color=#834732]TA: Nah, i’m going to play, I was just wondering why you were if you don’t believe in all this doom-speak.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Games are fun.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: Right. Well if you want to play so bad I have my disks here, we can start right now if you’d like?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Hmm... TA: While that is tempting, I sort of told Ryan I would play with him. He seems pretty amped up for it and that would be rude.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: Okay, just offering.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: I appreciate the gesture. Almost as much as I would appreciate you changing your chum-handle. There’s enough “TA”s around. [/color] [color=#834732]TA: You could always change yours.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: We both know that’s not going to happen.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: Well then I’ve done all I could do.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Lol, you ass.[/color] [color=#834732]TA: I’m a stinker alright. Well if you’re busy I shouldn’t keep you too long. No point wasting time.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: I am a very busy girl! TA: But don’t you have something important to do too?[/color] [color=#834732]TA: I don’t think I do. Do I?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Idk. It just feels like you should. TA: It’s just that sort of day![/color] [color=#834732]TA: You do a good job of not making sense while also being completely understandable sometimes.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Thanks? [/color] [color=#834732]TA: Don’t mention it. Maybe i’ll message one of our other friends then, see who i’ll pay with. It’s done in pairs right?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Sort of. TA: Either way getting people to play with you lined up is a good idea. It might save your life after all![/color] [color=#834732]TA: Is that a joke?[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Of course it is. [/color] [color=#834732]TA: Right. Haha. Well, see you around then.[/color] [color=#83E5D9]TA: Byeee.[/color] -- targetedAudience [color=#834732][TA][/color] ceased pestering triflingAnarchist [color=#83E5D9][TA][/color][/Hider] After that short exchange you decide to head into the house. No point in waiting around outside. Making your way into the hallway which leads to the living room, you see some odd fixtures on the wall. Odd but not alien, you’ve grown up with stuff like this all over the place. Your room is easily the most normal one in the house. Along the walls you can see a mounted deer head with glowing red eyes, affixed to a recreation of the mona lisa. Her head is also a deer head. Next to that is a large framed print of a photo. It depicts a very well crafted robot doing The Thinker pose. It’s sitting on an exercise ball. While this is actually one of your mom’s friend’s work, you think it fits in decently well with the other stuff around here. You head into the living room, to do your important task of finding that disk! What do you do?