[@Flamelord][@Iuniper][@The 42nd Gecko][@ihinka][@WXer][@evershadow][@Sanctus Spooki] And we are live! My own CS is in the works as we speak. But feel no urge to wait for me! As stated above world-building is pretty limited for intended reasons as to not limit what you guys want to bring to the table or step upon any of your folks potential idea. But to give a general idea of a snapshot on the life of Eleos V it is generally an agriculture world in that there biggest export is crops. The government runs on a parliamentary system. Most people that are born there like most in the Outer Colonies will have never left their world. And the rest like the names of towns, cities, and other important events and histories well that is up to you to see what you want to do with it! If you have any questions or want to swing an idea, tagging me here would probably be your best bet to get a quick response!