Hi! I'm Exotiress, but you can call me Exo, or even Ava, as most people online call me. I'm not the best at introduction posts, as I'm pretty shy, so I'm trying my best here. I'm a big ol' meme queen, and I'm not just talking ifunny or tumblr memes, I'm talking those memes you see on facebook that literally make no sense in the slightest but have over five hundred shares. That's the stuff I'm into. I started roleplaying when I was eleven, but stopped when I was seventeen, but I'm back again almost three years later and I'm trying to branch out and try new places, like this one. Like I said though, I'm pretty shy so it might take me a bit to finally get down and find a good RP in the forums, so if anyone reading this decides to be so kind to message me, that'll be super nice of ya. It's good to be here, and I hope everyone here is super chill!