[@Morose] [@Rivaan] [@Sigil] [@FantasyChic] [@Caits] [@Nallore] [@TechnoWizROK] [@ONL] - Alright, reminder that we are on day 5 since the overnight time jump. Those of you that have posted since the time jump are on your usual personal counters. Those that haven't, you are on day 5 now. (Think that is only one person.) Caits, no worries. You are on day 3, so you are fine. lol Get some sleep tonight, sounds like you need it girl. (I might actually get a post in today, not sure. The Rper in me goes "Hey at least 2 have posted since your last and you can reply to stuff! YAY!" - The GM in me goes "Girl, you just posted yesterday!" - Let's see who wins.)