[center][img]https://d30y9cdsu7xlg0.cloudfront.net/png/109086-200.png[/img][/center] Jack was on foot now, miles from his previous location. He noticed the smoke in the air, and where there's smoke there's fire. One of the heroes found a lab, or a storage dump. The skull faced hero looked on at the cockroaches scattering, more goons of Bane's and not juiced up like the pusher he'd dealt with earlier. His ear piece that is linked to police and emergency frequencies was acting up. That was likely one of the Bats trying to keep the big man in the dark. Jack leaped from one roof to another. He thought he had seen a shadow go by so now he was on edge. Was one of the other recruits actually tailing him? It was clearly time to separate the men from the boys so he sprinted at his top speed leaping and vaulting over rooftops. He glanced back over his left shoulder and when he turned to look ahead of him he was stopped in his tracks. [b]Elsewhere...[/b] "Cave to Bat-One?" came over Batman's communicator in his mask. "What's going on?" Batman responded swinging to a location and pulling out binoculars from his utility belt. "One of your... acquaintances... has caused a bit of a bonfire, sir." Alfred said from the cave monitoring situations across the city. "Emergency response ETA?" Batman asked looking through his eye-wear at a sewer cover in an alley about a block away. "None. One of Batwoman's people shut down all communications in that sector." Alfred continued. "However... the League is in Gotham." "WHAT?!?" Batman responded surprised putting his binoculars down. [b]Back on a rooftop somewhere in midtown...[/b] "What's the League doing in Gotham?" Jack asked what revealed itself from the shadows as several well armed ninja assassins. "The Demon's Head knows your true motives and asks that you also free his daughter from her captives." the main ninja spoke to Jack as it appeared more ninjas were in the shadows on the anti-hero's right side. "Who are you talking about, boy?" Jack responded still in a bit of a battle stance. "The daughter of the Demon's Head... Nyssa." he ninja spoke. [b]Elsewhere...[/b] Batgirl could see the older girl across from her through the glass window on her cell door. She hadn't seen Nyssa up close recently to know who she was. She had always wore a hood and mask over her nose and mouth. In the cell directly beside Ms. Gordon was the third girl. Nyssa could have looked her way if she wanted, but she didn't know the girl and frankly didn't care about her or the beaten Batgirl directly across from her. [B]Back on the rooftops of the city...[/b] The ninjas disappeared into the shadows once more and left the man in the skull mask to himself. He still felt as if somebody was watching him and glanced over his left shoulder, but now it felt different. Somebody who knew how to hide, even better than those League of Assassins ninjas. Skeleton Jack sprinted off once more leaping from building to building and nearing the lush green gardens of Robinson Park. After going from rooftops to trees in a mostly empty park in seconds there was no way somebody was still on Jack's tail. Jack managed to be in the right place at the right time as several junkies were buying the Venom patches from a couple guys already jacked on them in the park. "Finally... a decent workout." Jack thought leaping from the trees at the crowd of drug addicts. ~KL~