[@Metal Tortoise] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=la1WfEr60yg[/youtube] [i]Tom's magic was weird indeed, but highly effective when properly utilized. Case in point, Tom's counter for the chi thrust aimed at his neck. He could cast up to three spells per second with his highly trained auctioneer's diction, a regular speedshooter of magic, and now the words to another spell pelted out of his mouth as Steer threw a counter punch.[/i] [color=f7976a]"Glasswhackius Buttmunchickus!"[/color] [i]Just as Steer kept a hold on Tom's clothing with his free hand, so did Tom's own right hand stay in contact with Steer's arm for another on-contact spell. This one would force the target to punch the nearest target with glasses in the face. Tom's shades counted as glasses, and although Steer had a pair of his own during the split second before their twin blows landed, Steer's chi thrust was nearer to Tom's face than to his own prescription glasses. As such, if the spell worked, Steer's chi thrust would be converted into a punch and redirect itself up towards Tom's face. Whether or not Steer could maintain the chi effect with a fist depended on his own abilities. As for Tom, with timing born from continuous practice at mastering the utilization of his spells, he'd tuck his head down at the last moment before impact so that the bone of Steer's knuckles would impact Tom's hard forehead and only the meat of his finger joints would crack Tom's lenses and bruise the bridge of his nose, thus fulfilling the spell's 'quota' and at the same time avoiding the brunt of the damage and potentially damaging Steer's hand. If Steer kept up his anger chi, Tom's head would rock back from the force, his nose would gout blood as it broke flat, and he'd experience heated agony running up and down the centerline of his face like a razorblade. He'd even take an involuntary right step backwards, thus surrendering his condition to remain standing in one spot. Presumably Steer wouldn't be unscathed though, as even boxers fractured their knuckles and metacarpals all the time by accidentally punching a sparring partner or opponent in the forehead. As soon as the words were out of Tom's mouth, he'd riddle off another spell as fast as he could through the searing pain, blood staining his white teeth. At about the same time he quickly withdrew his left hand from its punch, extending his index finger as he did to point at random to the right of Steer.[/i] [color=f7976a]"Foolookius Overthereius!"[/color] [i]Another spell surged through Tom's right hand and presumably into Steer's according arm, perhaps matching the timing for Steer's next point blank chi blast into Tom's ribs. Regardless, the effect of this spell was simple. Steer had to look and see where Tom was pointing. If the chi blast was fired, one of Tom's ribs would crack. He'd yowl in anguish, and during the moment Steer looked away, would aim a swift, panicked right kick for Steer's crotch, good and hard. Were this intense exchange of attacks to proceed, then when the dust cleared, Tom would finally give actual ground and start to stagger backwards, the brunt of his multiple injuries apparent. He wasn't ready to follow up with anything else for a few seconds, this shit hurt too much. It would be a short reprieve, a moment to acknowledge that Steer had forced Tom to budge. Of course if Steer were able to fare better in regards to any damage he himself took as well, he could hang onto Tom's clothing and keep him from moving away, pressing his advantage to deny Tom a chance to trade a few snarky words about how he owed Steer lunch.[/i]