(Seriously. Ha ha) Harlow: *chuckles* he messed with family. Big no-no. You're fine. Alex: *nods and chuckles* I've watched girls go at him hardcore. Im glad you won't do that. Maggie: I should have. But it's all good. When I told Joe about it, he sent him to the infirmary when we were playing dodgeball. Because yeah... Joe is awesome. Joe: also don't like Tony either. Three of my exes cheated on me with him. Billie: *chuckles and takes the whiskey* glad you enjoyed it so much. Youll love the whole interaction. Randa: *nods* Yeah you will. Darren: *nods* thank you. Tony is so afraid to come out to defend himself right now. A lot of people over here dont like him. Adrian only recruits hin as a scapegoat. Ha ha.