[color=00aeef]"Surprisingly more easy than you think. Everything in the world is going through a bunch of signals, and devices. Simply sending the wrong signal out to screw with the hub, or just to haze the collective. You can buy less effective stuff on the internet. I had to design my equipment by hand using all sorts of illegal equipment. It's all worth it. If your target can't scream for help their chances of survival decrease dramatically. Just because I'm not trying to kill people here doesn't mean that the same methods don't apply."[/color] commented Damocles as he stared at the entry point. He felt vaguely aware of Batwoman eyeing him maybe it was because she was being aided by a cold blooded hitman. Maybe it was because Batman couldn't catch him before and had to hire him through the crime net. He didn't really care all that mattered was the job getting done, and him getting paid. His employers could think he was a walking piece of shit for all he cared. [color=00aeef]"I hope you're not expecting me to go in swinging like a mad man. If you really want me to help you I'll use a gun. I'll try to aim for non lethal shots but that's never guaranteed. I'm not a blunt force type of man. Never have been if there's a problem there's likely always multiple options that can be used to solve the equation so to speak. Why go through the trouble of a long problem when you can take an easier method to it to get the same results?"[/color] Damocles said calmly in a rhetoric answer as he adjusted his hat slightly. He always looked like the weirdo out of place but he didn't really care about that. People could think he was some fedora wearing shut in all they want. No one talked shit with a gun in their face.