(Ha Ha. I would too) Harlow: *chuckles* once people realize what our family is capable of, they're all like that. *gives look* that is slightly scary. Alex: well yeah. Look no touch rules. *chuckles* I'm pretty sirr that why all the girls tale swimming classes. Joe: hes not worth losing control over. I'd make it too bloody and that would cause me to go into a blood rage .. Yeah... No. Not worth it He he. I laughed a lot writing it Darren: he's such a tool... Adrian: nope. Because of he tries Ill make sure to burn the other half of him. Randa: *looks at Adrian* you know, I may not like you very much, but... *holds hand up for high five* Adrian: *high fives her* Tony: in my defense, I didn't realize that she was still so hot about it. Randa: *throws a fireball at him* Oh, Ill show you hot aboit it! Darren: I do have to say, I loke not being the target