Wraith floated down in front of the old, skeletal building that silhouetted itself against the dark Gotham sky. The fallen sign out front read "Rhymer Manufacturing", but this place hadn't been manufacturing anything but trouble recently. The front entryway was collapsed, and the building itself looked far past condemned. Wraith approached it silently, looking around the empty, cracked up parking lot for a bit before the roar of a motorcycle drew near. He watched as his back up, a man he didn't really know too well, pulled up and dismounted his vehicle eagerly. The man, Nuke, was dressed very brightly. There was nothing stealthy about him at all; Ka'van just hoped he could make up for that. The cloaked figure turned his burning red eyes back towards the darkened building. He had little trouble seeing in the dark, but he worried for his human counterpart. Should he step wrong, he could easily fall through the floor. "I am not sure," Wraith said, his voice soft, but clear enough to be heard over the typical sounds of the city night. He moved towards the building, his movement smooth. He almost seemed to glide. "Be careful of the floor," He said as he levitated himself up over the fallen debris and drifted inside. Once engulfed in the darkness, his form seemed to almost completely disappear. The only thing visible were the two floating, bright red orbs of his eyes. Ka'van lowered himself to the ground once he found a more sturdy looking level. The manufacturing plant had been closed for quite some time, and the air inside was stale and old. On the dusty floor, however, he could see recent tracks. They led to what looked like a large scuffle in the middle of an open space. There was some rotten, damaged wood laying around, as if the fight that occurred here had included it somehow. Ka'van lifted himself up off the ground as he investigated the scene, so as to not taint it with more footprints. He looked down at a fresh trail that led off into a dark corridor and began to follow it. "It looks like there was a fight here," He said aloud, although he figured his comrade would have gathered this by now. "Perhaps this was where one of Batman's children were led before their demise." The hall that Ka'van glided down opened up into another room, which was filled with crates labeled "juice". Out of curiosity, he phased his hand into one and pulled out, well, [i]juice[/i]. It was apple juice. "Part of a decoy, maybe?" He said softly, mostly to himself. He set the jug down and turned to keep searching. Dark spots on the floor caught his eye. Blood? "Nuke," He said, beckoning his companion to come give him a second opinion. "Perhaps we should take a sample of that blood off the floor, to see if it belongs to one of the sidekicks." That would certainly confirm if they were here or not. Maybe this scene could give them a clue as to what happened before they were killed, and where Batgirl was taken.