It's been about fifteen minutes since her older sister left, and she was already bored out of her skull. Venelope wasn't kidding when she said they don't see a lot of customers. The silence began to grow in presence as it amplified the sound of the clock ticking in the other room. Tiffany fidgeted in her seat with anxiously. Something. Anything. She just wanted something to break the silence. Then, the bell on the door jingled...a customer! Tiff immediately sat up straight. It was a boy, maybe a few years older than herself, with messy brown hair. He says that he's looking for Venelope. [i]Okay. This is it. My big chance to prove to sis that I have what it takes to run the shop[/i] she thought to herself. "I'm sorry, but she stepped out for today. That is why I'M taking her place~" she chirped to him and clapped her hands together. "How can I help you?"