[img]https://image.ibb.co/izZkv5/image.jpg[/img] [i]Our time is nigh. I have seen it, the premonitions do not lie, the Overlord does not deceive. My life's work begins to bear fruit, and success is over the horizon. My students have come far. They have learned so much in these many years past. Their skill with the blade is rivaled only by their strong connections to the Force, they show promise, and the potential to lead The Unity and generations to come far into the future. Soon, we will unmask ourselves, and force the Jedi Order to gaze into the eyes of The Unity and witness our growing power. But not as of yet. There is still much to do, and even with all that my students have learned and mastered, there is still much that they must come to understand and perfect. For now, we shall remain in seclusion, but soon, we shall grip our own destiny, and topple the Jedi and their acolytes from their position of power, and end their dominance over the Force and their persecution of our ways. And on that day, the Galaxy will see us for who we truly are and bear witness as we do what our predecessors could never accomplish. Such a day will be a day of rejoice, as the shroud of the Dark Side is torn away...[/i] [color=ed1c24]___________________________________________________________________[/color] [b]HISTORY OF THE UNITY[/b] [hider=THE UNITY] The Unity itself was birthed twenty years ago, when Azuro Kassan, the first Grand Master and founder of The Unity began scouring the reaches of the Outer Rim and the uncharted regions with his Sentinel, Kya Xivos, and began kidnapping and adopting young children alike and brought them aboard his flying haven, [i]The Ark[/i]. Calling these 30 children "the first generation", he and Kya effectively raised them aboard [i]The Ark[/i] and trained them in the ways and ideologies of the Dark Side, as well as in mastering swordsmanship via lightsaber and connecting themselves to the Force, and strengthening this connection. Azuro bitterly named his unity of Dark Siders [b]The Outcasts[/b], due to the fact that they would be peresecuted and shunned across the Galaxy, due to the masses fear of the Dark Side. He has taught them that, until the day comes that they will rise against and destroy the Jedi Order, they will call themselves The Outcasts, to strengthen their bitterness towards the dogmatic narrow minded view of the Jedi and to motivate them to strive for ultimate power. Even now he continues to train and cultivate these 30 young Acolytes as he calls them in hopes that they will blossom into masters of the Dark Side and lead a revolution against the Jedi that will see the Order destroyed forever more. [/hider] [b]CREED OF THE UNITY[/b] [hider=CREED] [b][i]We are the children of the Dark Side. We swear on oath to uphold the teachings and ideals of the Dark Side. We swear on oath to never betray nor forsake our brothers and sisters of The Unity, nor shall we forsake or betray the Grand Master, whomever they be. We swear to honor The Unity and it's Acolytes. On our very lives, we vow an oath to eternal loyalty and dedication to the Path of the Dark Side. Forever loyal, forever dedicated, forever a disciple.[/i][/b] [/hider] [b]CODE OF THE UNITY[/b] [hider=THE CODE] 1.Betrayal of The Unity, it's members, or any of its acolytes in any way or shape is punishable by execution. 2.Any foolish actions or acts of incompetence which endanger The Unity, it's members, acolytes, holdings, or teachings is punishable by either imprisonment or exile. Which alternative that is taken will be decided by the Grand Master. 3.Sharing the secrets and teachings of The Unity with non-converted outsiders is punishable by death. This includes acolytes and allies. 4.Deserting or fleeing from within The Unity is punishable by death, should the offender ever be caught or encountered again. 5.Attempts at usurping power or challenging the authority of the Grand Master or the Sentinel are punishable by death. 6.Hoarding away objects of knowledge or artifacts discovered are punishable by imprisonment. 7.Purpouseful destruction or damaging of Unity resources is punishable by either imprisonment or exile. 8.Senseless killing or murdering of Unity members is punishable by death. 9.A Unity Acolyte is eligible to take an apprentice at the age of 30. 10.Novices are eligible to become an apprentice at age 16. 11.A child convert is to be considered a Novice until the age of 16. If a Novice is not taken as an Apprentice at age 16 by any Acolyte at all, due to inability, then they are to train for another year and will be re-evaluated in a years' time. At age 20, after four failed evaluations, if a Novice shows no potential or promise whatsoever, they are cast out from The Unity permanently. 12.Apprentices are granted the full title of Acolyte when their master so sees fit. This must also be approved by the current Sentinel at the time. If their master should perish then they will be granted automatic Acolyte status, this however, only applies to those at the age of 20 and older. Those below the age of twenty will be assigned to a new master that would choose them. If no Acolyte at all chooses them, then they are immediately cast out from The Unity. 13. When a Grand Master sees his Sentinel as a fitting candidate to replace him, he shall then challenge them to a duel to the death. Should he prevail and the Sentinel dies, he then must name a replacement, and wait for them too to come of challenging ability. Should the Sentinel prevail, then they will immediately become Grand Master, and must name a replacement for their former position. 14.The rule of power by challenge only applies to the Grand Master and their Sentinel. No other may slay a fellow Outcast without facing consequence. 15.The branch of power is as follows; Novice, Apprentice, Sentinel, and finally Grand Master with the highest authority. [/hider] [color=ed1c24]________________________________________________________________[/color] [b]THE ARK[/b] [hider=THE ARK] [img]https://preview.ibb.co/dG3s8Q/image.jpg[/img] [i]The Ark[/i] is well and truly the "mothership" of The Outcasts. It acts as transportation, open space protection, and a haven for The Outcasts. They can utilize it as both a method of open space combat as well as to escape from overwhelming odds and unfavorable situations. It also of course acts as housing and a haven for The Outcasts to train and practice the Dark Side without fear of detection and persecution. The original model of the ship is unknown, as it was completely refitted and customized to suit the needs of The Unity. The Grand Master has only stated that he fairly acquired it decades ago and had it totally remodeled to aid in his cause. The ship is mastered an controlled by The Sentinel, Cykron, who is aided by a team of both stationary and mobile droids positioned within the bridge, as well as very reliable AI programs. With Cykron at the lead, the unit of droids and AI programs pilot and operate the entire ship ever efficiently. Everything from battle situations to standard flight are handled by Cykron the Sentinel and his robotic crew. As for the structure of [i]The Ark[/i], it is like that of any other ship. A bridge, crew quarters, three separate cargo holds, separate medical bays, engineering laboratories, medical laboratories, engine control, reactor cores, and so forth. Additions that were made during ship customization were two separate training chambers, a library, a meditation chamber, a garden, a small dueling arena, an assembly room, and a council chamber. Finally, regarding weapons and ship system modifications, they are as follows; •14 Automated Beam Cannons (Seven on each side of the ship.) •14 Automated Turbo Laser Towers (Positioned on the topside.) •1 Upgraded Automated Beam Cannon (Positioned on the bow.) •8 Manual Proton Torpedo Tubes (Four one arch side of the ship.) •20 Automated Anti-Aircraft Laser Turrets (Ten on each side of the ship.) •Upgraded emergency booster engines. •Upgraded Hyperdrive. •Upgraded Sensor Array. •Upgraded Shield Generator. [/hider] [color=ed1c24]_______________________________________________________________[/color] [b]THE GRAND MASTER[/b] [hider=THE GRAND MASTER] [img]https://image.ibb.co/kaob05/image.jpg[/img] Azuro Kassan, the current Grand Master and founder of The Unity, or Outcasts. Azuro Kassans' past is shrouded in mystery to both his Sentinel, Kya Xivos, and his thirty Acolytes, whom he raised and trained for twenty years. Kya herself knows nothing about him prior to meeting him over twenty years ago and agreeing to serve him and aid him in the founding of The Unity. He refuses to speak even briefly of his past, and does not much care for it to be mentioned or questioned about either. He is a man of no-nonsense and is notoriously stone-faced and stoic, never sharing in a wry joke or a grim muse even. He is serious to the core, and does not tolerate foolishness or lax behavior in his presence. No one has ever laid eyes on his face, as he refuses to remove his mask and expose his face to public eyes, including his Sentinel and Acolytes. Many theorize that this is because he is either horridly disfigured or unbearably ugly, though none have dared to impose such questions upon him. Azuro is a master of swordsmanship, having perfected all seven forms of saber combat. He also has a strong connection to the force, and has an impressive array of power at his disposal. Azuro is rarely seen around the ship, as he spends the majority of his time in his quarters, which are situated in one of the towers above the bridge. The only other places aboard ship where he could be found are in the library or the dueling arena. [/hider] [b]THE SENTINEL[/b] [hider=THE SENTINEL][img]https://preview.ibb.co/bBwn8Q/image.jpg[/img] Kya Xivos, the current Sentinel of The Unity and servant to Azuro Kassan, has quite a lengthy and somewhat sad story. She was born on the smuggler planet of Atzeri as the daughter of an infamous pirate lord named Margas Xivos. Her mother happened to be the favorite concubine of Margas, and Margas himself did not particularly want a child at all, much less a daughter. Nevertheless, he and Kya's mother raised the girl as best they could. Unfortunately though, Kya's mother passed away when Kya was 15, which left her without a female figure in her life. For the next five years of her life, Kya remained under the thumb of her father, Margas, who taught her how to fire a blaster, fight with her fists, and talk her way out of potentially dangerous and deadly situations. She would go on to be an excellent shot and very capable in melee combat, and she also grew quite the silver tongue as well. By this point, Margas had warmed up to the idea of having a daughter, and grew to love her as his greatest treasure, even with the towering criminal empire he had built on Atzeri. For the next two years Kya aided her father in his "business endeavors" by arranging meetings and cutting deals, buying off local politicians and security officials, and intimidating competitors. Everything seemed to be perfect for her, until a single unfortunate incident completely destroyed her whole world. She and her father, Margas, were conducting an attack on a spice freighter, however, it turned out to be a trap set by local police forces. The fighting was chaotic, and amidst it over half of Margas's crew was killed, and Margas himself was fatally wounded and died during the escape. Shortly thereafter, Kya's position as new head of the pirate clan was usurped from her by a traitorous former lieutenant of her father. All of Kya's supporters were killed and she barely escaped with her life. After that, she spent the next 6 years traveling the galaxy, alternating between smuggler and bounty hunter work, and by doing so, she established quite a few powerful connections in the criminal underworld. Two years later, she would meet none other than Azuro Kassan, who somehow convinced her to cast aside her life as a criminal and bounty hunter and join his newly formed order of Dark Siders. For twenty years, he trained her in the Jedi arts and the ways of the Dark Side, alongside the many young pupils she had helped him procure. While a master swordswoman, her connection to the Force is somewhat shaky and untempered, making her aresenal of Force powers very basic and simple, which forces her to rely heavily on refined skill and raw talent alike. While not nearly as stone faced as Azuro Kassan, Kya has a very serious personality and no tolerance for foolishness or idiocy. She has a strong admiration for Azuro Kassan and follows his teachings fanatically, and holds what is practically blind loyalty to him. Interestingly enough, despite her young appearance, Kya is 50 years old. How she maintains such a young looking physical appearance is a curious mystery. [/hider] [b]THE CARETAKER[/b] [hider=THE CARETAKER] [img]https://image.ibb.co/iQ9Av5/image.jpg[/img] Cykron the Caretaker is basically the master and overseer of [i]The Ark[/i]. Part human, part cyborg, he pilots the ship when need be, as well as taking control of it in battle situations and maintaining it also. Being the only biological(partially) crewman aboard the ship, he is aided by a crew of droids and artificial intelligence programs. In fact, he is quite literally "plugged into" the ships brain via a piece which is inserted into his brain. Cykron is truly more machine than man and as a result of such shows little sign of personality, empathy, or humanity. Though not at all connected with the Force, he was trained in the art of swordplay by Azuro anyway. He also wields a pair of blaster pistols rather efficiently as well. Azuro had told little of Cykron's past, other than the fact that Cykron is oath-bound to his servitude due to the fact that Azuro once saved him from certain death, long before the creation of The Unity. [/hider] [color=ed1c24]__________________________________________________________[/color]