Here is my character, Call. Took me forever to find the first Int. Chk. to recover it. :lol In my opinion, he is the bare minimum for a char. in this world. [hider=Sven]Name: Sven Garter Race: Human Age: 27 Home District: Farmer's District Physical Description: Sven stands at six feet even, due to years of manual labor his rather large physique is well toned with extremely developed musculature and a mildly dark complexion from extended periods spent under the sun over the course of years. His face is square shaped with short, buzz cut brown hair highlighted by lighter strands that border on blonde, his eyes are a deep blue that possess an unnatural shine to them accentuating his strong jaw-line. His torso and back are covered in various scars from numerous on the job accidents with a few covering the length of his arms. He has broad shoulders, long muscular arms with slightly larger than average hands with slender fingers that possess incredble tensile strength, and long well built legs. In terms of clothing he generally goes about his day in his work related attire, a loose fitting or baggy white tank that hangs a bit past his waist, a pair of fitted blue breeches with a yellow scarf tied off at the waist, and a pair of worn heavy leather boots. He usually wears a pair of fingerless black gloves, but sometimes opts for a red and black band around his right wrist. Personality: Determination, perseverance, and a smidgen of cockiness are the main highlights of Sven's character as demonstrated many times throughout his life. He is not the type of person to do anything on a whim rather any action he takes is solely for himself, whether it benefits someone else or not doesn't matter to him; Some notable accounts of this are before the war started when he would pick fights with lowlife soldiers, not because they would harass the general populace, but due to the fact that it just happened to annoy him and it was the only way he could think to shut them up which to anyone besides himself would take as a selfless act to help a stranger in need. Once he sets his mind to a task there is little anyone can do to change his mind and whether or not this is a bad thing has yet to be determined, he has always been charismatic having no problem socializing with others making him appear trustworthy, and has a fondness for cracking jokes in highly volatile situations. History: Raised in the Farmer's District and expected to follow in the foot steps of his predecessors Sven was raised to be a hard worker, unlike his father he was born with a 'black thumb' in the sense that any type of plants he attempted to care for withered away with a touch. However, he found his calling in fixing the machinery used to tend to the farmland and crops which is what lead to his position as Engineer in the bowels of the New Altaia repairing war machines and the occasional boiler. In time he was assigned as 'Head Engineer', a title given to make the little people feel important than to denote extreme significance over their peers, with an occasional visit to the inner sanctum to toy around with existing machines in an attempt to improve them. Sven never really got along with his superiors which might account for the fact that he was instructed to tend to the lower levels of the Cathedral before it was locked down trapping the majority of the city's mechanics. As of now he is unhappily cooperating with his colleagues in an escape plan that has spanned two months of idle thumb twiddling and another few of nothing but whining about how hot and hungry everyone is. Gear Weapons: Laborer's Hammer - A sledgehammer that is four feet in length with a steel head one and three quarter feet wide by one foot tall with a two and a half foot thickness. Before the war it was used purely for construction and driving spikes, but is now used to bash in the heads of soldiers. Due to its size and weight it is unwieldy to all, but those that possess above average strength. Armor: Salamander Sash - A bright yellow accessory that possesses an innate resistance to fire improving the wearer's tolerance to high temperatures. It has a single hex slot located on one of its tail ends. Equipment: Rebel Brace - A black and red wrist band that possesses no notable traits aside from a single hex slot. Strengths: Tinkerer - Given his overall size and form, Sven is a natural when it comes to repairing things even with minimal knowledge of what he is working on, which might be why he was assigned to work in the bowels of the fortress. Not only that, but given a schematic, the necessary materials, and some time to himself and he can create just about anything... now whether or not it explodes and if that was its intended purpose or not are sort of a possibility, but hey as long as it looks cool amiright? Weaknesses: Six Sided - Sven has a minor addiction to a new drug that has just recently begun to circulate around New Altaia; Use of the drug sends the user into a euphoric state that drowns out images of death and destruction, but after ending leaves their perception of reality slightly altered, few instances exist where the user's emotions are suppressed in addition entering a blind rage. When withdrawing the user experiences hallucinations, loss of vision, and instability of movement. Each dose increases the duration and chance of the mentioned side effects, while decreasing in effectiveness with each subsequent dosage. Other: N/A[/hider]