I typed something but then edited it to delete it lmao. Never knew I would get so annoyed about the lack of a delete function.. Unless there is one and I'm just dumb and don't see it hehe ALSO, this quote sums up why my character switches from 1st to 3rd person xD I thought it up on-the-spot and am quite proud of myself (even though it's probably been done before.. x.x" "The body is Eira but the mind is not. The mind is me." The mind and body are separate entities to Eira, the mind doesn't have a name (and may never, haven't decided). When referring to the body i.e. "Eira needs to touch" "Eira is hungry", it will be 3rd person. When talking about mental stuff i.e. "I think" "I want", it will be in 1st.. does that make sense?