As the figure of Shemhazai disappeared, Julian looked on in shock. The last several minutes had gifted him with the disappearance of all of his Cocoon allies, a surprise attack that his intel should have seen coming, and not least of all, a l'Cie brand. Thankfully, while Julian stood paralyzed, Noir took the initiative, searching through the warehouse and returning with some useful gear. Julian took a deep breath to refocus himself and turned towards his new ally. He took a few seconds to glance over the items that Noir carried. "This one should make you stronger, this one enhances your manadrives, and the last lets you take more of a beating. I wonder..." Julian took the Magician's Mark and focused on his new l'Cie powers. "Yes, this Mark also affects our new abilities as well. It seems that Nyxia and I are the ones who are most magically oriented. One of us should take this item. The Wristband should go to the strongest among us. I feel as if that would be Nadia. And I suggest that the Bangle go to the one who has the hardest time taking a hit... which I feel was Nyxia from the look of the last battle. And..." Julian looked at the items that Noir found, then back to his allies. "Looks like we're one short. Damn. I'll let you all decide the best way to hand these out then."