An-Hasst had been halfway through the process of confronting himself with the fact about one's own mortality. Sometimes it came earlier than expected, sometimes it came without time to think about it. This wasn't the case here though, the sluggish rog apparently took his time to lift his halberd again with his one remaining functional arm and wasn't all too precise with his thrusts. Still the situation felt very dire since the Skayleigh could feel that he himself was neither all too mobile nor all too powerful anymore. Soon it proved though that it wouldn't be the chunky piece of metal attached to an oversized wooden stick that would drive him out of this side of the world. It was the prospect of having to digest that it was thich utterly useless, utterly weak, utterly hideous and yet at this moment very successful priest. [i]Now[/i] he dared to jump to his aid! An-Hasst secretly bit the inner side of his lip in an attempt to swallow away his feelings, but not to much avail. There were still rogs on their way, so he merely was out of the most immediate danger. Slowly he heaved himself back onto his feet and limped towards the entrance of one of the buildings. He'd need to reach an elevated position, some place that could protect him while he was preparing and reloading his crossbow. The giant stepped over the Rog Captain's body and gave it a series of vicious kicks into its face and chest as it as some muscles were still twisting. The creature appeared to be dead. Then he passed Settionne, looking down at the tiny man but not saying a word. [@POOHEAD189][@BCTheEntity][@Sypherkhode822][@Banana][@The Fated Fallen]