Lila would sigh as she shrugged off her yellow jacket. It was a hot summer night, and she needed to be able to sits and be comfortable. She flopped the thing ontop of her Lucky Backpack and relaxed a bit in the cheap folding chair she brought for this camp out. Things had been going fine so far. It rained a bit in the morning, she got some reading done, washed up with the collected rain water, made a sandwich out of some cold cuts so she wouldn't have to mess with making a fire. Went fishing and berry picking most of the day, and started her dinner fire with whatever was around that had managed to get dry by then. As the sun set and the moon rose, she had started her dinner, roasting marshmellows over some coals on the side. Now she was overheated, and needed to cool down some. She'd been able to get her relaxing on for a while, but as her belly was full and the fire was dying...she'd heard some movement out beyond her camp, and what she thought sounded like speech.