Upon catching sight of the woman’s flames, Dawn recoiled as if struck, although she managed to compose herself after a moment or two. The last thing strangers needed to see was weakness, after all. Giving an almost sheepish smile, she stepped away from the wall, palms open to show she had no weapons at the ready. “Sorry,” she said, mildly. “I just, um, wanted to make sure you weren’t the types to try to kill me as soon as I came out. Telepath here.” It wasn’t [i]technically[/i] a lie- after all, she had been reading their minds not only a few minutes prior- but that wasn’t all she could do. Better to keep her cards up her sleeve for as long as she could. Dawn rubbed her arm nervously, looking between the three like she was trying to keep watch of them all. Her brow twitched upwards as the man in the wheelchair introduced himself- odd name- but there were far stranger people out in the ash. “I’m Dawn. It’s, ah, nice to meet you, everyone.” She shifted on her heels at Aran’s request, and, after a moment, she carefully reached over her shoulder and drew a plastic bottle of water from her bag. She lifted it up, as if about to throw it, before thinking better of it, moving forward, and setting the bottle on the ground before retreating. It wasn’t too heavy of a loss, as she had two other containers- full, thanks to a building with still-running water a few miles back- but with any luck, it would convince the mentor and student alike to keep things peaceable. “I know it’s not much,” Dawn admitted, “but hopefully that’ll last you until you get to...wherever you’re going, I guess. You don’t have to give me anything for it.” Especially as the idea of a complete stranger getting close enough to give a “check-up” wasn’t too appealing of a thought. [@Claw2k11][@Conch Shell VII][@bmxbrat484]