[color=258be2]Name:[/color] Accalia Lune [color=258be2]Alias:[/color] She-Wolf [color=258be2]Age:[/color] 22 [color=258be2]Gender: [/color]Female [color=258be2]Sexuality:[/color] Pansexual [color=258be2]Personality:[/color] Although the media paints She-Wolf as a vicious beast much of the time, Accalia is actually somewhat calm and slow to anger. She's very physically affectionate around the people she loves, and will hug, smooch, and snuggle the heck out of whoever she's feeling loving towards. Even when she's out superhero-ing, she prefers not to use violence or force until she deems it necessary or is pissed off enough–– and when she's pissed off enough to use excessive violence, there is no rhyme or reason to it; it's animalistic rage. She'll bite, rip and tear at whatever she can. Being a werewolf, she eats mostly meat, and is prone to really pissing off vegans more than the average person. Much of her superhero-ing involves rescuing animals and escorting people home at night, but she also (literally) sniffs out dog fighting and human trafficking rings. She has some canine-like traits: She is startled and wary of new things, she gets distracted by animals, she likes to roll on things she think smell good (this includes her favorite people). [color=258be2]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Accalia] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/aab37046eba5c751062122fc3bcd35d4/tumblr_ontegrPE6M1w8sdy4o1_1280.png[/img] [/hider] [color=258be2]Powers:[/color] •Shapeshifts into a larger-than-average, black-furred wolf (This takes a lot of energy, which is probably why she eats so damn much) •Enhanced senses (Night vision, very strong nose and hearing–– her color vision is actually weaker than most people's) •not really a power but she just really doesn't give a shit about the cold •in her wolf form she can "talk" to dogs/canines with body language, and is in general in expert on it [color=258be2]Bio:[/color] Accalia has been a werewolf since birth, because her father was one and surprise surprise it's genetic. She's had a pretty good relationship with her mother for the most part despite the fact that it is not easy raising a werewolf child–– doctors always think/thought she has abnormally high metabolism (she sort of does), she sometimes just kind of went missing as a toddler and her mother would find a tiny wolf pup in various locations throughout the house. Basically it was like having a baby and a puppy at the same time. Her father was absent because he died when she was seven months old of leukemia. There is no crazy origin story. Accalia just graduated high school, moved out, and got bored. Naturally, a part-wolf 18 year old with a lot of pent up energy is going to decide to be a vigilante, because that's just the most logical decision, right? She donned her ridiculous costume, went out at night, and started small, just rescuing puppies and whatnot. She didn't become actually recognized as a superhero until she was 20, and long story short, ended up in a dogfighting ring. That is also how she got her media reputation as a vicious beast, but worry not, every dog made it out okay!