[color=ed1c24]BREAKING NEWS:[/color] A news woman sits behind a large desk, reading from a TelePrompTer just behind the camera that she appears to be looking in to. "It appears that for unknown reasons, Mount Olympus has become enshrouded in thick clouds. Any body who walks into them becomes disoriented and begins to asphyxiate immediately. There is no evidence at this point in time, but many have come to suspect that this is linked to global warming, since Greece has had record high emission levels over the past decade, with minimal recovery effort. It is also reported that a small amount of people have began to leave sacrifices on Mount Ellinor, an ancient site for rituals. Authorities are currently trying to find those behind the animal sacrifices but are having no luck. It is advised that you do not go near Mount Olympus, for your own safety, and so that the path is clear for authorities and researchers. That is all we have on that story, and next, the counties most likely to follow in Britain's political footsteps." [color=ed1c24]NEWS:[/color] Smaller stories run across a banner, but a man in a suit is staring down at his papers, professionalism broke by clear disbelief of the situation. "All over, from small towns to larger cities, it is reported that 'witches' have began to attempt to contact the mythological gods of Greece, due to recent events surrounding Mount Olympus." He said, then turned his head to the woman to his left, who answered with the rest of the story. "They have taken on the tag line 'The old gods may rise.' And have been spotted tagging buildings and trains with this slogan as well as many other occult symbols." Pictures on the screen display pentagrams, pentacles, and other manner of sigils drawn on buildings in graffiti. It varies between rural American landscapes with dilapidated churches, tagged in giant sigils of Zeus, to women's shelters with smaller sigils to Hera carved into them, to banks with Hades's own sigil hidden cleverly in the logo. Lastly is a much stranger symbol. The channel cuts out. Minutes turn into an hour before the station is running again. "We apologize for the technical difficulty." The woman says, a bit more nervous, given the context. "It is advised not to engage with those claiming to be witches on social media or in person." [color=ed1c24]Talking with Tia[/color] A light skinned black woman walks on from stage left, waving to the studio audience and blowing a kiss, in her trademark chipper attitude. Her hair is curly, long and reached her lower back. She kept it in its natural state of a slight kinky curl. Her olive green eyes flickered to the talk show host, Tia Sanchez. "Let's give a warm welcome to the Mistress of the Stage and Sweetheart of the Silver Screen!" Tia calls, sitting behind a desk, but gesturing widely with her arm. "Miss Tes Lyn!" The crowd behind the camera cheers on queue. "Thank you! Thank you!" Tes laughs, sitting down in a plush chair and crossing her long legs. "So, I'm sure you know, twitter is just [i]blow-ing-up![/i] With talk about your recent choice in religious sects!" Tia chirps, gesturing to a TV above them that read off some of the said tweets. "Straight to the point, huh? C'mon, Tia, love, dinner first." Tes chuckles, as did the audience as they were silently instructed. "Yes, previously, if anyone asked I was an atheist, though after recent events, I have found my place." She says seriously, rolling up the sleeve of her dress shirt. Her forearm bears new tattoos, sigils of Dionysis. "He may be absent from the world, but I belong to him. Clotho is the one who told me." There is an uneasy silence. "Clotho... like the Fate?" Tia echoed, uncomfortable with the open admission. Tes cocked her head and looked at Tia. "Yes, the Fate." Tes unrolls her sleeve, buttoning it once again at the cuff. Even the button displays a the outline of a chalice with odd symbols in it. [hider=Summary] Dormant for nearly two thousand years, Hera awakens to find the world very, though not unexpectedly different. She wakes her husband, Zeus and together they reclaim their home of Mount Olympus. They hold no domain, only the land of the mountain and their powers. Zeus strikes down anyone who manages to get through the thick mist with deadly lightning bolts. Zeus decides it is once again time to reclaim their power over man, and awakens his brothers Hades and Poseidon. What is a god without a follower? With only few pagans who truly worship left in this new, unfamiliar world, they reveal themselves through natural phenomenon and the like, slowly gaining foothold once again. Witches from all over begin to worship either for power, influence, or merely something to devote themselves to. Leader of the "Salem Movement" in America is Tes Lyn, movie star and broadway actress. She posts regularly on social media and has her own website, where witches can learn about the gods, read translated epics, and learn about the new movement. Media has taken to her in two ways: one half is strongly opposed and chides her on using her influence to 'corrupt' her fans. The other half notes that she largely just takes donations and supports charities through the movement. She invites you, too, to join the movement by applying on the website, to be matched with whom you should worship based off of your [color=fdc68a]personality and occupation.[/color] [/hider] [hider=Witch CS] Name: ([b]First and Last,[/b] Middle or Middle Initial optional) Age: Birthplace: Current Location: Occupation: Personality: Appearance: (picture, photo, or drawing [u]plus[/u] a short description) Hobbies/Interests: Family: Home Life: Short/Long Bio: Form of Witchcraft: Form of Sacrifice: Abilities/Rituals: (Abilities should be very small, weak and believable. If you can't think of rituals, google is your friend! Keeping in mind, [i]rituals aren't always successful[/i].) Preferred Deity: [/hider] [hider=Deity CS] Deity: Personality: Preference of Follower Type: Purpose of Awakening: (Most typically just want to live again, but some have specific wishes, i.e.: Zeus wants to be worshipped and being about more Demigods. Hades wants to bring back Persephone and regain his domain over the spirits of those humans who die. Poseidon could want to cleanse the ocean. All purposes are subject to change, given whoever plays them.) Location: (Greece, Mount Olympus, The Underworld, or specific countries) Appearance: (Can be a picture or description) Choice of Humanoid Appearance, or Physical Form: (Same deal) [/hider] [hider=Types of Magic] Blood Magic: This is a more intense form of Witchcraft, typically viewed as taboo or evil. It utilized blood sacrifice to power rituals, invocations and spells. The user sacrificing their own blood has more power than an animal sacrifice, but animal sacrifice is safer, as one usually has to fill the offering bowl. Human sacrifice is frowned upon by the gods. Blood serves no sort of monetary or magic gain for the gods, but shows devotion and willingness to commit. Old Magic: Very similar to blood magic, in that sacrifices of blood are the form of energy used, but these are certain rituals and spells that have been passed down through word of mouth, therefore it's very rare. There likely only a dozen left who know of these older ways. Technological Magic: This is a newer, under developed form of ritual that is much less effective as it involves no sacrifice, but the few gods interested by it may just support it by showing up and granting power. Sigil Magic: Entirely based on symbols and writing, but it can be enhanced by sacrifices. This is a bit weaker than blood magic, but stronger than Tech Magic. This is also the most often used by accident, when people draw things that happen to match a sigil. It doesn't do much, but sometimes things can go horribly wrong. New Magic: This is any sort of ritual or spell that has been invented in the past thousand years. It has a 50/50 chance of working and is the least dangerous form. It can be enchanted by sacrifices. [/hider] [hider=Types of Sacrifice] -*Blood of a Witch: Blood of the user. -Blood of an animal: Any animal, but lamb and ox are the most popular types. -Blood of a human: Dead man's blood is a permitttable sacrifice, but the sacrifice of a living human is forbidden by the Hellenic gods. -Monetary Sacrifice: This is most effective with Hades. -Material Sacrifice: Any valuable item, but jewelry or crafted decor, made by the casting witch is also accepted. Jewlery works better for gods such as Hera, Hermes, and Apollo. -Food Sacrifice: Mainly effective around harvest season; this works best for Demeter and Hestia. Though the unused portion of a hunted animal can be used to invoke Artemis, and good wine or alcohol can be effective in summoning Pan or Dionysus. -*Sentimental Sacrifice: This is effective with all gods equally. *mark the most powerful sacrifices [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Rules and Whatnot:[/color] -Not every character is going to be kind and sociable, but [b]you[/b] should be in OOC. -Correct grammar and spelling is required, but I understand typos occur. (Usually by me) -Maximum 3 Characters per player. -Gods and goddesses are of the highest power alive. Should we introduce titans, that will go to them, but no OP witches. -Respond in a timely manner (if three days have gone by and you're MIA both IC and OOC, that's not good. If something is up, let everyone know OOC, or PM me.) -Cursing is (more than) welcome, but try to keep the mature themes [color=f49ac2]cleverly[/color] coded. Your character must be approved first, yes, even deities. The CS for the gods are mostly so that I can gauge who you will play them. I am not too strict on adaptations, but I don't want anything ridiculously far off the mark (i.e.: Hades being a comically idiotic man, or Hera being kind and motherly...[color=f49ac2][i] @Disney[/i][/color].)