[quote=@IceHeart] *snip* [/quote] Common misconception in the West. The middle east is VERY homogeneous in terms of religion/ideology and it hasn't precisely been a hotbed of peace and unity. And before we blame ALLLLLLL of that on ebul Islam, Ireland wasn't much different back in the IRA glory days. Everyone being the same (religion, political party, pick your physical or ideological denomination of choice) hasn't brought lasting peace in like [i]any[/i] of the places it's happened. If anything it seems to make things worse. It's a total red herring. The [i]closest thing[/i] we've found to a panacea for violence, is democracy. Western democracies don't fight each other, like, ever, in the history of ever. I mean we bomb the living [i]shit[/i] out of other countries, all day erry day, but if we just AMERICAIZED everybody else, that would totally stop happening right? So the answer to world peace is TOTAL CONQUEST. YOU MUST SURRENDER UNCONDITIONALLY OR THE BOMBS WILL CONTINUE WITHOUT END. IT'S FOR PEACE.