[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Town[/center][hr] She enjoyed her surroundings, the people, and the open space compared to the cramped ship. However, it was high time she head back to the ship, and see if there was anything she could do to help out with moving things to their new ship, whenever they actually got it. Daphne was curious as to what type of ship they were getting, knowing that it probably was not going to be another Alliance vessel, which made her glad. She knew a little bit about their ships, but not enough to make herself comfortable behind the helm of one. She started making her way back through the crowd, heading back towards the docks. Daphne wondered if they had noticed her missing by now. The ship was big, so there was a chance that they hadn't, but knowing Anisa those odds were pretty slim. She decided to take her time getting back, if anyone had noticed that she was gone, she was already in trouble, so it didn't really matter how quickly she got back to the ship. The idea of heading back to the ship so soon was annoying, but she really should be helping out, even though she always felt like she was getting in the way of everyone else who clearly had more important things to do or whatever.