The Town of Goldenport. This is a quiet little port tucked away in some coastal peninsula. The history books say that it used to be a happy, thriving community. Everyone was cheerful and productive in their own trade. Homelessness and bad luck were hardly heard of, and everyone was willing to give a helping hand to each other, especially new comers. There was a constant stream of merchants and tourists. The people there had a deep rooted, down to earth sort of pride that was probably rightly earned. That was, until the mayor was found face down and drowned. With no leads on the cause, people became more on guard and suspicious, especially in the beginning day. If it was a killer, would they do it again? Perhaps this suspicion and fear is what brought the era of happiness to an end, but it also attracted other odd and frightening happenings. Sailors began reports of strange shadows that seemed to follow them. Then they began to occasionally go missing. Pets too. Rats became an increasingly common occurance. The skies became overcast, even though it almost never would rain. And then there was the fog. People in town started drinking more, business was done quickly and with little to no conversation. Taverns and bars built inns onto themselves for those who avoided going out in the night. Those who didn't, or who watched out the window, would start seeing figures n the fog. They took the shape of many things. Animals, people, even out on the bay, there were occasionally ships seen that would just...disappear after a couple seconds. -------------------------- [@mokley] Hm...I think searching out the author would work -nods-