Metagamers - on my shit list currently. They know OOC where everyone else is at so they move their characters automatically in that direction with no reason to and avoiding anything suddenly that may get in the path. What makes it worse is when they time jump while doing it. Everyone else is posting covering a certain period of time but they use up so much more to get from point A to point B and it cuts the GM off from telling them what they could be running into. Oh, someone is on the second floor but hey there was sounds coming from behind a door right near me. Not gonna check the door out but I am suddenly heading right up stairs. Doesn't matter I am in a dilapidated building that is crumbling, I can get up those stairs whose condition hasn't been posted since I hadn't check the damn stair well before hand. I just know I get up from a dead sleep, move through a place with no electricity and barely any lighting because the sun isn't fully up and there aren't windows where I am. All in the same span of time it took everyone elses character to say - What the fuck? How does my character do this? Because I typed it. Sorry but no, back track your ass or I will do it for you! Tangent - When people Ship their characters suddenly and try to purposefully set up the romance. Seriously? Ugh, that is worse than the shy characters screaming for attention for me. Let the shit happen and see where it unfolds! You may be surprised by the results!