Holy crap you guys rock! I have some of my own articles in the works, but you all keep posting more ideas that would be perfect to incorporate, hahaha. [@SepticGentleman] Haha this is a great laugh to start the morning. The vendors are so charming and unique! I assume they may only be found along the long roads? Any inkling where they come from -- or more importantly, where the stuff comes from? xD This reminded me of a character I had once that could instantly summon any item he liked, but it was being stolen from nearby. [@Zealous Blade] This gives me a MushiShi vibe -- and also a slight uncertainty which pair of father-son is actually real. Maybe there's something about this particular river that mirrors its sides? Or even, perhaps, crossing the river takes you to a sort of mirror-existence? Or, maybe there's something about staring down the length of the river that allows a Ruse to infect or possess a person's mind. [@Wardian] This reads more like a legend of the origin of some unusual mountain formations than what actually happened, as some of the concepts are just a little too crazy even for this world, hahaha -- but it brings up some good questions about whether a Ruse can sustain itself (as in nature there are always exceptions to rules, and the God of Proving Others Wrong is a perfect example) and what is actually required in order to destroy a Ruse. The Barkolopus are Ruse-eaters, and the Null Towers serve the same function. It's already been brought up that burning sage, for example, can ward them off, but can they hurt each other? Could a powerful collective intent to destroy a Ruse work as well as to create one? Now, completely unrelated, I'm imagining a village gathering together in anger and beating off a huge, terrible Ruse with sticks -- and winning. xD