[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170607/a296ec46b31c7e99c3acc49cd716c7af.png[/img][/url][/center] [color=84CED2][i]Danish sure is a lot like Swedish[/i][/color], Jakobe thought to herself. She was surprised by how easily she was able to understand the signs hanging from the sealing and some of the brochures and maps lying around. She picked one up and recognized the outline of Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, multiple lines running across them. It was a station map of a train, [i]ICE[/i]. Almost absentmindedly she stuffed the map in her pocket and went further into the train station, unconsciously looking for the train it described. Surely enough, she soon found a train with the same initials from the map on its side. She ran along the rail to the nearest doors. The train was dark, just like all the monitors around the train station. They’d all probably been off for the last couple of years. There wasn’t much travel nowadays, and what little there was was mostly through handheld teleporters. Jakobe would’ve killed for one of those just about now. Like most of the rest of the world, she saw little point in any other mode of transport. Specially trains. [color=84CED2][i]“Wait here,”[/i][/color] she turned to Mattias, [color=84CED2][i]“Sit!”[/i][/color] Mattias obeyed and Jakobe turned to the train doors. She knew what to do, she knew she could do it. But the only time she actually [i]did[/i] it was a reflex. And she’d killed people. Suddenly she realized how close Mattias was to her. [color=84CED2][i]“Actually,”[/i][/color] she said as she led Mattias away from the train. She pointed to a spot a good fifteen feet away from the train doors, [color=84CED2][i]“Sit here.”[/i][/color] Obedient as ever, Mattias did as told and watched as Jakobe returned to the train. [color=84CED2][i]“Okay,”[/i][/color] Jakobe took a deep breath, widening her stance in front of the doors. If anyone had been watching, they might have made the wrong assumption that Jakobe knew what she was doing just based on her stance and determined frown. They would be horribly mistaken. She honestly had no idea. Still, she closed her eyes and concentrated, visualising herself on the other side of those doors. After a few moments of doing so, nothing happened. All she accomplished was give herself a headache. She stomped her foot in frustration, but before she could open her mouth to shout, the familiar sound of cymbals crashing flooded her ears and threatened to crack her skull open. Then came the sudden weightlessness. Almost immediately she once again felt gravity’s pull and found her feet in solid ground again. [color=84CED2]“Vad i helvete?!”[/color] She stumbled in surprise, falling hard. She was even more surprised to find herself inside of the train, not a bit of destruction in her wake. Only the soft crackle of electricity and some of her hairs on end indicated that she had in fact teleported. Mattias had come bounding to the door and sat, staring sadly at Jakobe from across the glass doors. She smiled at him with a wave. [color=84CED2]Oh, my God, I can't believe I got it.[/color] Jakobe squealed in excitement with a little jump. Her smile disappeared as she realized she has [i]teleported[/i]. A second time. There was no denying it now, no escaping. She was the reason so many children before her had been killed, why her family was killed. Jakobe had dreamed of being many things, but one of the Chosen was not one of them. Her mind would’ve continued down this train of thought had she not realized something else. [color=84CED2][i]“Wait.”[/i][/color] She turned looked around at the dark train. [color=84CED2][i]“What the heck do I do now?”[/i][/color]