[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254015331222159360/304234228361461760/bbNOSHJ.png[/img] At every slightest discovery people have been going "aha, your religion's dead!" and that won't really stop happening because religion shan't ever die out in a real way; there will always be unanswered questions, and of course even if all of them are answered there will yet be more like "why this specific set of rules in the natural world instead of some other one?" which really can only be answered from a supernatural point of view. Hedonistic excess was an attempt as an answer before but the people of this excess generally were "weaker" and lead to their own downfall; people of religion were the ones who usually pulled people out of these pitfalls, be it a long time ago with Constantine, Martin Luther, Kirkegaard, the counter-revolutionaries in Eastern Europe, or as of recent Prof. Jordan Peterson. We [u][i][b]might[/b][/i][/u] some day outgrow organized religion but spirituality will never, ever really disappear.