[@Crimmy][@Bornlucky] Jin was on the ground. They'd seen a woman in a white dress, and was pretty sure they'd waved at the Grim Reaper. The pain had gone from deadly to terrible, and Jin could barely draw breath for the pain. They were desperate. To move, to call for help, anything. But the pain was too much, and their body wouldn't obey, and Jin drifted in and out of consciousness. And then, suddenly, the pain was gone. Jin heard a muffled cry of "Anubis" and suddenly felt impossibly better. Wait, Anubis? That was another death god, right? From... Egypt? "No, no... Not dead yet, I'm not... I'm not dead yet. Come back later." Jin opened their eyes, and blinked several times before the dots cleared from their vision. "Um... Ryoma-kun? And... You're Hanazawa=kun. How...?" Already, they were trying to get up, but managed to get to a sitting position before a wave of dizziness made standing a bad idea. "How did you do that?"