Auriel nodded a bit. "Yes... Though I'm a little worried for Edge, he hasn't run off like this since he a boy." She sighed and moved to Edge's bag grabbing his wooden training swords. "With him acting this way, I think the best course would be to talk with him while he does some practice drills... I know him well and he's usually more perceptive during training." Auriel looked at Erin. "I know we want them to be good friends... But first they should know each other, they are both warriors and I think the best way to do that is training." She looked at Fairi and then Fia. "I'll bring him out to the training mats in the gym to meet you both. Fia if you can handle a sword you could spare against him if you like." She bowed to the two humans, an flew off in a gust of wind down the hall off to tell her summoner the news. [hr] Edge had just finished a set of laps, a good warm for the time being he'd gotten out of the pool to have a drink of water. However as Auriel swooped into the room landing beside he felt gust of wind blow most of the water of him. Chuckling he looked at his summon. "What's got you flying so fast? Usually you hardly travel at full speed." The angel showed him the practice swords. "You need to run sword drills, so I brought you practice blades!" She chirped before wrapping Edward in her wings releasing the boy who was now almost dry, sighing he reached up patting Auriel's head. "You are just to great a summon for me. Take the practice blades out to the gym, I'll go get changed." He smiled and headed into the locker room. Emerging from a shower in a tight black T-shirt and pair of blue jeans hair still wet giving it an almost metallic silver look as picked up a practice blade began training drills. His form was mix of fencing and angelic sword combat, sword gripped with both hands he swung the blade with both hands letting more powerful strike ring out against the dummy. Auriel watched, she had taught him her knowledge of sword combat which had been more towards great swords than shield and sword combat. Yet Edge had mastered it, he could use old fencing maneuvers should he swap to one handed combat. [@13org] [@Cherrywitch]