[quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Religion has existed since the most primitive of days in human existence. No amount of effort to change or eliminate it will ever remove the spiritual question of mankind. [/quote] Eternity is a long time, especially towards the end. Although the likelihood is we will wipe ourselves out before the heat death of the universe. Hunger has also existed since prehistory. It dosent seem unreasonable that it could one day be conquered. There has been an enormous upsurge in atheistic sentiment in the past hundred years or so. With any luck it can continue. It might take millennia more, but I believe in us! [quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] As it was said before, it is not the duty of science to disprove faith or the purpose of faith to ignore science. They are unrelated spheres that people have crossed. You can use one in the other and vice versa, but you dilute them both to varying extents. [/quote] Religion makes scientific claims. It always has. God created man, earth is the center of the universe and so on. In so much as religion makes false and baseless claims it [b]IS[/b] the duty of science to disprove it. There are religions that have minimal supernaturalism which are less in conflict with a scientific world view but so long as religion makes claims about the nature of the universe it is advancing a hypothesis which can and should be tested in the realm of science. I'll continue to hope that with enough time and education we can outgrow the training wheels of our species.