[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sbufiQm.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=f6989d] Alexis [/color][/h1][/center] Alexis gasped in pain when she went to move and she heard [color=0054a6]"Lie still, the doctor's coming."[/color] She noticed that Elias let go of her hand. She didn't remember taking his hand in hers but then again that was something she had stopped doing a long time ago. The doctor took care of her wound and re stitched the opening and Alexis kept her eyes on Elias the entire time. She knew he was watching the doctor work on the wound. The entire time she had a death grip on her blankets. [color=f6989d]"I think I'd rather fight a grizzly bear than have a doctor stitch me with a needle through the raw meat of my body. Why does it just really, really hurt? It didn't hurt that much when I was injured!"[/color] She wiped the tears from her eyes as he kept poking her with the needle. After the doctor left Alexis closed her eyes but she could feel him staring at her. She opened her mouth to say something then closed it. She looked around the room and then she forced herself to roll onto her uninjured side so she could look at him. [color=f6989d]"You should have told me that you were going into blind rages. I could have been prepared. You don't remember anything do you? You threw me into the nearest object as you went passed me. It just so happened to have been a broken tree, I was impaled on a branch. I had to remove it by myself or die, so I took it out. I almost passed out but luckily I didn't. I knew I was losing too much blood so I made a quick fire and held my breath and cauterized it. I will never forget that kind of pain." [/color]The look in her eyes showed a memory that was embedded deeply within her. She wiped the tears away. [color=f6989d]"After I got myself together I fought the last of the spriggan and set them on fire. By that time you had gotten yourself caught and stung a couple thousand times. You almost killed me and instead of leaving you there I saved your butt and brought us both home."[/color] She rolled back onto her back and then remembered, [color=f6989d]"Oh and including the Wesen I killed the score is 3 kills to me 2 to you."[/color] [@December]