"Well, I am British after all. Of course I wouldn't look like a Japanese," Clara responded when Minato said she didn't resemble anyone from the Japan he knew. From what tales she had heard about them, they had yellow skin and slanted eyes, being an Oriental. "Hmm? Perhaps you're right." Clara replied when Minato said her outfit would attract attention. "I'm wearing an apron dress after all. Such a Western clothing would be quite uncommon in this Eastern lands. I wouldn't really be that bothered by the attention though. And I think your outfit would attract attention as well. I don't think the Japanese people wear something like that either." "And what is the JSDF? An acronym?" "Well, if you want to do it normally, then we could--" Her sentence was cut off when she heard the loud sound of Minato's bike. Her eyes widened. She had no idea what sort of machine he was sitting on top on. "Umm, what is that, if I might ask?" she asked him. "It's the first time I've laid my eyes on such a machine." [@KoL]