Maddie stood still while her arms shook and her fists clenched. Her hair over her face covering her eyes, it was hard to tell if she was sad or angry but she was definitely emotional. Over her life she has made sacrifices for others, it was what she loved to do. It became who she was, if she failed here she would no longer feel in control of her situation. She poured her heart out, every emotion even pleading for him even using a child to reach out to him. Was he truly monster enough to ignore a child’s safety, she would not let him walk away, maybe he wouldn’t regret but she had and she forever will. Maddie held her fists tight staring at the ground, she knew she could not stop him no matter what she did he was going to leave. When she heard his voice she looked up surprised. He was standing a few feet away from her, with a somber attitude. She wiped her face again, from the frustration and anguish into concern and confusion. He began to apologize each word seemed to hit Maddie, had she reached him, was he truly not the monster that she made him out to be. Her fist slowly unclenched as the man talked to her, his explanation was unsatisfactory, to say the least but that was not important at this moment. She needed him not his history, not his life story just his skills. A slight smile appeared on her face as he reached his hand out towards her. She stared at it and her smile disappeared as she looked back at his face. It was filled with doubt and pain it reminded her so much of friends from her past. [color=82ca9d]“Robert, you know that I will never accept your apology until I understand your full truth. Your actions will always speak louder than words and you need to change your actions if you want to show me that you honestly are sorry. I can never truly understand you and I doubt you will ever understand me, but as long as you will help us I will have your back in any situation.”[/color] Maddie reached out and shook his hand grabbing it tight and pulling him close. [color=82ca9d]“I am still going to get you for shooting me with the tranq dart.” [/color] She released him and had a smile on her face, which was very odd since her cheeks were still read from her emotional outburst. Maybe it was something to worry about her bottling up her emotions but it could also be an extremely good trait for a combat situation that they are in. She understands the importance of teamwork and there is no need to continue an argument that was over. [color=82ca9d]“Now, you will be on probation that is nonnegotiable. Whatever you were planning is no longer your priority, instead, it is our team. We will all help you with whatever you need to complete but it is not our top priority any longer. I understand your secrecy and I can respect your wishes to leave it secret, but I will not allow you to risk all of our lives for something only you deem important. I am sorry if that comes out bitchy but I hope you will understand.”[/color] Maddie seemed for the first time since on the island, like herself again. She was cool and demanding, the emotions she once prominently displayed seemed to disappear as she gathered herself back up. Her face was stern when barking out her wishes but kind and sweet when she just looked around. It was odd that she seemed so calm around Robert since their short history involved him insulting her and shooting her. “Hey you guys, look!” Maddie turned back to see JC leaning out of the window pointing into the sky, she followed his hand to see a dark stream of smoke coming over the tree line. Even if it wasn’t a manmade fire it might be still worth checking out. [color=82ca9d]“What do you think? You are the expert on the island after all.”[/color]