If no one objects I'm going to have the Skaven basically massing for war down by Tilea/Estalia. Skavenblight, Fester Spike, Foul Peak, and Putrid Stump (All Reddish Brown on the Map). As the RP starts I'll have them taking over Tobaro (Yellow on the Map right next to Estalia) by force, it will give me something to do and help me sort of establish Skaven. [hider=Regional Old World Map] [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/9f5c/f/2012/032/d/2/warhammer___political_map_of_the_old_world_by_heersander-d4ob7e7.jpg[/img] [/hider] Tobaro will then be sort of my above ground wasteland place when the majority of the Skaven forces retreat back underground. Again, if no one objects, I'll do a bit of RPing as the doomed Tobaran military as they're wiped out.