Xane couldn't believe his luck. He was literally having an internal debate with himself as to wether he was in a coma or not at the moment. In the span of less than a year he had managed to get kicked out of college, get cut off by his parents, move at superhuman speeds while working for some techie criminals, fight and get beaten by a member of the bat family, get put in jail only to be taken back out by THE Batman and given some superhuman drug called velocity 9. Even now while the world seemingly played out in slow motion around Xane things seemed to be moving to fast for him. He regretted his decisions, jail-time at Blackgate will do that to a person, but he couldn't help but be happy about his current situation as he was given a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the public who all knew well who he was thanks to his capture by the police and the old blonde haired Batgirl. Suddenly Xane realized that most of the group had left while he was deep in thought. With a surprised raise of his eye-brows Xane sped off to do the last thing that he heard from the Batman which was to go pound the pavement looking for Venom pushers. Xane had heard about some of the jocks at Gotham U using small venom patches which were normally called "slappers" by those who knew about it. Given that all Xane really knew about drug distribution came from either Batman's Velocity 9 supply, TV shows or Gotham University, Bolt decided that checking out the university would be a good place to start his investigation. With a loud crack Xane took off running towards the University via his drug-induced super-speed. Velocity 9 was nothing like the suit Xane used to use for his high speed hijinks. With the suit he had to memorize routes and how long each leg took since he could run fast but still thought at the same speed. With Velocity 9 it was like the world around him crept along at a snail's pace and he could simply walk or run around people with nearly no reaction from them unless he stood around for too long. It was more than satisfying his need for speed. Eventually Xane got to Gotham U where he saw nothing out of the ordinary going on. Since this was the only place he knew of the Venom drug being pushed he decided to stake the place out and wait for someone to come along. After about an hour in hyper-speed Xane realized how stupid his plan was as if anyone saw him then they likely wouldn't do any sort of drug deal in front of him. Xane got ready to take off to another vantage point when suddenly he noticed two tree trunks of arms wrapping around him. Xane managed to quickly duck out of his would be assailant's grasp to see one roided up venom junkie with a look of pure rage on his face and a student wearing a varsity jacket running off with a bag of patches. Xane counted his blessing and proceeded to sprint over to the student, taking the bag and delivering a decently slow blow to his stomach which would hopefully know the wind out of the kid. Xane then proceeded to spring into action and tear off the patches that adorned his would be attacker and stick them in the bag. Xane smiled as the fun part was about to start. [hr] The night was a cold one but not uncharacteristically cold for Gotham this time of year. Rob leaned against a wall near Gotham University as he waited for his clientele to arrive. He was set up with one patch for himself should any of the bat-freaks show up, three for one customer and another three for another customer. Rob hoped that his clients wouldn't be late tonight so he could get home and check up on his son before needing to go out in a few hours to his job as the Wayne production line. He appreciated Wayne keeping some of his product production in country but it didn't pay nearly enough to support a single father and his son. Eventually his first sell of the night showed up. The two didn't exchange any words at first, only some money and a bag of slappers. Suddenly the kid's eyes went wide and he took off. Rob looked to see a dark-clad figure cloaked by the darkness just across the walkway that Rob had situated himself against. Rob's eyes went wide too as he couldn't go to jail, not with him being the only one looking out for Will and he did not want little Will going into foster care, Rob knew how bad that could be. With out so much as a moment's hesitation Rob dug his hand into what would have been his second client's product and produced the three patches plus his own. Slapping the four venom infused patches on his arm, Rob rushed the vigilante with the intent of making sure his son wouldn't have to grow up without his father. [hr] In a second the 'fight' was over. The jacked up Bane goon was no match for Xane's speed and was taken down with a small amount of effort. Xane's own superhuman drug was beginning to wear off which made it the perfect time to begin his interrogation. "Now, where's Bane bee-" "I don't know where! I'm just a pusher! I don't know anything about the higher ups! I get my supply from a warehouse not to far from here! Please don't send me to jail I have a son!" Rob pleaded in the hopes of preserving his flawed but functional family dynamic. Xane was surprised by the thug's response and despite it's hasty nature, Xane felt for the man. He was in almost the same situation at the brute was minus the fine details of course. He looked at the beaten man for a good minute before responding. "You don't tell anyone I let you go. Not even your son assuming you actually have one. If I hear a rumour going around that I'm not doing my job then I'll know who snitched and I can assure you you'll be going to jail with more than a few bruises." Xane said with as intimidating of a tone that he could muster before quickly cutting the brute's arm with a batarang and placing it on the ground. "You can tell your brute friends Batman got you." and with that Xane walked back into the shadow of the night and out of Rob's sight. Within the confides of the shadow Xane quickly injected himself with another dose of Velocity 9 before withdrawal symptoms began to rear their ugly head and he took off to the warehouse indicated by the brute. [hr] Xane was greeted by what looked like some sort of lovecraftian horror painting mixed with a warzone. There was an enormous bonfire in the middle of the ware house made up of venom shipments (which Xane immediately added to with his own, much smaller venom supply that he had gotten earlier) along with goons running off in every direction while a massive, flaming junkie fought the Guardian guy who seemed to be using half a patch to even the odds. It was all so surreal until Xane happened to glance up and see a rocket flying up towards some of the other Team Batman members. Xane acted quickly as he ran around to see the rocket move in slow motion. He knew he wouldn't be quick enough to get in the building and up all the stairs before the rocket blew the others into smithereens so he would have to try something new. He'd seen videos of the flash and all sorts of speedsters do it before. Running up a wall was like second nature to speedsters right? Xane quickly found out it wasn't as easy as he got about two feet up and fell backwards and back towards the ground. The rocket was seconds from impact now and the only one fast enough to stop it was stuck four stories down. Xane didn't want his first night out as a her- no. He wan't a hero. Not yet. Xane looked at the faces of his allies then back to the wall and sprinted forwards once more. He ran and as soon as his foot hit the wall he closed his eyes, refusing to open them until he either felt the heat of the explosion or the his foot come into contact with the air above the wall. After what seemed like an eternity Xane opened his eyes to see himself falling once more but this time he was within arms reach of the ledge. Quickly he shot his arm from his side and gripped the ledge with all of his might. The rocket had hit by this point but there was still time enough time to do something. Xane pulled himself up and quickly sped over to Damocles and tossed him over the far side of the building. At a break-neck pace Xane managed to grab Batwoman and toss her over the ledge as well. Without Damolces' shove Xane doubted he would have had enough time to get to Batwoman and Damolces without one of them getting burned. Xane then managed to slip in the building just as his dosage of Velocity 9 began to wear off. As this happened Xane came to the sudden realization that he assumed both Batwoman and Damolces has grappling hook like Batman but he never actually checked. Xane quickly rushed down the stairs of the building as time began to move at a normal speed around him but he knew that if they didn't have grappling hooks it would be too late.