Paint. The single most used tool by artists. With paint, you can create pictures from your imagination, capture scenes in front of you, or encompass an enemy artist's house. However, paint has been changing. No longer is it just a tool for art. It is now a tool for anyone anywhere for anything. It has been allowing the normal person to do insane and before unheard-of things. Each color, however, had its own specialty. Green - Speed x2 Red - Repel (bounce) Blue - Portal 1 Orange - Portal 2 Yellow - Stick (walk on walls) Purple - Slow 1/2 Because of the paint, new groups have been popping up everywhere. XTs - Anyone who utilizes paint in cans. Most ride skateboards, skates, or bikes but any man-powered vehicle is allowed in their group. Not to mention their runners. PKs - Often confused to be an XT runner, the PK is an artist who'll use paint over large areas for their sport of parkour. They buy large cans of pain in bulk to do so. Green Scales - A group of skate-wearing hooligans who have found a way to use green paint through their skates in an unseen way before to give them the boost they need while going through the sewers. GAs - Graffiti artists who use pain not only in their art but in their escape. PPs - Police officers who have started utilizing the paint to catch these criminals. [Open to new ideas.]