[quote=@Dawnscroll] Also, if this is canon... and I gotta get a link to this convo that spurred this... he would totally be Thranduil. Elrond is too fucking noble. [/quote] With search temporarily disabled, I can't just pull out posts from the depths of the OOC. But it started with Kho describing my use of scientific language as 'Elvish' (IIRC, it was when I did the post where I started making Teknall's Workshop). The joke stuck. [@Dawnscroll][@Muttonhawk], coincidentally, I'm working on a post with Kinesis, and I've briefly covered what she has been doing all these years. Among those things is making mechanical clocks (and other devices) and giving them to people, just because she can. Relevant to that, [@Kho][@Cyclone][@Rtron], what is the status on [@Commodore]'s character (Jydshi) being accepted?