Eira made a slight noise of discontent when her mentor tapped his leg and declared it's weakness. Why he would admit such a thing was beyond her.. Yes, he was quite capable of taking care of himself, but why entice others to take advantage of any preexisting injury? Unless, that was the point? Was he just trying to point out a weakness and cause the others to underestimate his capabilities? Knowing her mentor, but also knowing of his condition, it could easily be either option. [color=ed1c24]"Well I can't quite call you Father, although Eira might wish to if she had a voice."[/color] Eiras eyes crinkled in amusement, offering one of her rare shows of emotion. She had never called anyone by anything other than Sir, Ma'am, or their names, as doing so would admit some sort of attachment to them. If she were to feel an attachment to anyone it would clearly be the giant beside her, but mostly what she felt was deep respect and a sense of duty to repay him for all the years he'd raised and trained her. Not to say that she [i]couldn't[/i] feel such things for others, she just didn't, plain and simple. Eira didn't react to the fact that they now had two companions tagging along, although she had to admit to herself that it bothered her slightly. If they didn't make it to the village by nightfall, they would have to hole up in another shit-hole, and the pyromancer would have to stay up all night keeping watch. When it was just her and Aran, they would take shifts of course, but with the additions, Eira would feel much more at ease if she could keep her own eye on both strangers the whole night. She felt the man would probably sleep sound, as he was far more trusting than the three combined, but the girl.. She would most likely be in the same mindset as Eira, and they would just focus on each other the entire time rather than their surroundings. Oh yeah, this was going to be so fun. She focused her attention back to the girl, as she was the only one the psychometric couldn't get a reading on. She had a sneaking suspicion that the telepath wouldn't allow her the opportunity to, either. She was about to comment on this when the other girl spoke up first, and Eira kept her face as its usual blank slate. She felt each of them could adequately handle one person on their own; so as long as they didn't get in each others way they would be completely fine. However, due to his reaction, Eira was tempted to hit the man in the wheelchair. Her own voice lowering to more of a growl than a murmur, she kept her gaze steadied just past Dawns shoulder, waiting for any sign of movement. [color=ed1c24]"You know, Overreach, it would be nice if you didn't just didn't just tip this new stranger off to the fact that we know he's near. Dawn, do you believe he could be hostile? There.. is only one, right?"[/color] Not only did Eira not know the extent to the girls powers, but she knew that if he, or they, were too far away, there wouldn't be much the telepath could sense. Hopefully she could at least give them a number. [@Conch Shell VII][@EchoicChamber][@Claw2k11]