The sight of the comely stout lass nearly bouncing up and down trying to keep up with the tower that was Rannon probably looked comical to some. Gideon joined Feri, bounding to and fro and letting out sneezes as if he too was speaking to Rannon. The Warrior was, ironically, as stubborn as a Dwarf or a hound on the scent, and kept moving until he made it to the tent. The suggestion of getting into the Bann's manor wasn't something he'd thought of, but it seemed a bit too rogueish to bypass security to him unless absolutely necessary. He made it into the tent, and to his surprise, Feri followed him into it as well and whispered to him in hushed tones. He blinked, and regarded her. He didn't know whether to feel flattered or not she wanted to make sure he was ok. Gideon sat behind her, his head up and attentive. A few of the Knights, Squires, and Men-At-Arms gave hushed whispers at the Mabari, as well as what they must have seen as Feri the 'mutt.' Rannon knelt down and ignored them. "I'll be fine. I promise-" "Oi, what's she doing here?" one of the Knight's said, his short cropped red hair matching his newly grown beard. He looked less than amused. A few of the men seemed unenthusiastic about questioning a man's companion when he had the mark of honor which was a Mabari Hound striding by confidently, but another man pipped up and tried to get a few laughs. "You seem to have a stubby legged stray following you, lad. Might want to kick 'er in the rump and send her off back home." That had Rannon standing up again, and turning to the man that gave the remark. "Pray to the Maker we don't get to fight, or I'll break off a piece of you and feed it to my [i]actual[/i] dog." Rannon promised. Most of the men in the room weren't as young or large as Rannon (though he wasn't the only bruiser), but they were all hard fighting men, or at least learned in the blade. There were a few jeers and some wary looks. The man in question looked like he was about to retort before Gideon bared his teeth. Rannon's iron stare emphasized the threat, and the man backed down...for now. The scarred young soldier turned back to Feri, and put his hands on his hips. "I think this is where I'm supposed to be. But something here doesn't smell right-" Curiously enough, Gideon was sniffing the ground at this exact moment. "I trust you in checking the town out. I'll try to gain an audience with the Bann here. But you're savvy enough to get things done discreetly." He then gave her a fierce grin. "Don't worry about me. I'll handle these guys. Take Gideon and look around, and you might want to get us a room-er, rooms." The slip of the tongue had him nearly stumbling over his words. "I doubt the bulk of the tournament will be today, so we'll meet tonight for drinks? Touch base?" [@MiddleEarthRoze]