[INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][color=A5E0B9]W H I T N E Y C A R T E R:[/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Monday, August 21[SUP]ST[/SUP] - 11:10 AM | Voltaire University[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] Whitney walked up the steps to her dorm room. She hadn't expected the dorms to be shared by both genders. She just hoped her roommate would be a girl. She wasn't ecstatic to share bathrooms with the guys, but that was the price to pay for getting a free ride through school. She opened the door to her room. She looked around. It was about the size she imagined. Not too small, not too big. Her roommate seemed to have claimed their bed on the opposite wall, leaving her with the one near the window. She was fine with that. Part of her morning routine was watching the morning go by out the window. She put her suitcases near her bed and began to unpack. Shortly after, she heard the door open. She turned around and didn't expect what she saw. The girl standing in front of her looked like she stepped out of Vanity Fair or Cosmo. She had model good looks, long, red hair down to her hips, piercing green eyes that were transfixed on herself. The girl seemed disappointed for a second, but she turned on this megawatt smile and ran up and hugged her. [color=C797D6]"Hi! My name is Madison! It's so nice to meet you! You must be Whitney! We're gonna get along so well!"[/color] Whitney had to get over the fact some stranger just hugged her, but she was also kind of happy her roommate wasn't an asshole. At least, not yet. [color=A5E0B9]"Um...hi. Nice to meet you too!"[/color] Madison quickly let her go and moved around the room. [color=C797D6]"Oh wow, I can't wait to get to know you! You're so pretty! I bet you got a boyfriend, right? No? Well, we're in college so plenty of fish in the sea and all that! Oh! Before I forget, there's some party on the beach tonight. We [i]have[/i] to go! Anyone who is anyone will be there and we can meet some of the other freshmen there! It'll be so much fun!"[/color] Madison, it seemed, was a ball of energy. Whitney had trouble keeping up, but she got the gist of what she said. A party? Parties weren't really her scene, though she did want to go to the beach. [color=A5E0B9]"I don't know...I don't do parties that well."[/color] Before she could go on, Madison gasped. [color=C797D6]"Oh please! You have to come! I can't go alone! What if someone roofies me? Please?"[/color] Madison put on her best pout and, she had to admit, it made her feel bad. She rolled her eyes and nodded her head. [color=A5E0B9]"Fine. I'll go. But only to make sure you are ok."[/color] Madison waved off the thought. [color=C797D6]"Please...what's the worst that can happen?"[/color]