[center][h1][color=a2d39c]Gerard Connolly[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/c1efac85ce1fea672ffd3c743499dce5/tumblr_nurpejGno11ube2bso2_400.gif[/img] [hr] [color=a2d39c]Location:[/color] Wyndham Manor [hr] [/center] That moment, Gerard couldn't keep his heart still. There were a bunch of emotions going through him; sorrow, confusion, anger. He looked at Milli and see nothing of the strong, intelligent woman he always saw her to be. She was unrecognizable. What could have really happened that brought her to this? Looking away she let out her words between shaky breaths, he did not know what she actually meant by it. As they came into the manor, Cook had the same look he had when she laid eyes on Millie. He could hear Abigail calling, going about in the room and asked him to take her upstairs, not that she needed to tell him that as he was almost halfway ip the stairs. He hurried up, her weight had shifted them but he let his shoulders lean on the wall, as he held her tightly. They finally went inside her bedroom, and lay her down on the bed, slowly bending over the side as he carefully did. This time he had a clear view of her, what she had gone through. The gash on her face and the wreaking smell of blood, on her body. Amounts of it, that he figured some of it did not belong to her's. Regrets slowly ate him little by little. He was suppose to be the family protector, he shouldn't have run off that time and couldve stayed by her side. His hands balled into a fist, resting on his lap. Gerard was sitting by her bed, looking down at her soiled yet gentle hands. He had a feeling she wouldnt want to talk about what happened at Almack's, after what happened there. To Jane, Mrs. Wyndham as what he had heard from Lord Ratherford earlier. [color=a2d39c]"I'm very sorry."[/color] he finally spoke, his sad eyes to hers, frightened and bloodshot from the tears and his heart was breaking all over again.