[@Avanhelsing]Hi there, thanks for your interest! Reposting this just in case: [quote]Cabin Kids - This one is pretty story heavy with a definitive beginning, middle, and end, but outside of the premise I have yet to really flesh this story out. The main thing that is key to this story is that the place that the camp, and neighboring town resides on is a supernatural magnet, both magical and scientific nature. - In the premise I mentioned something along the lines of a plant alien bio-organism taking over the camp, but this can be changed or canned in favor of something else, but I do wish to keep the element of campers slowly disappearing or being replaced. - Tone wise I want this to be a mix of both lighthearted and serious, a good tonal match would be if Stranger Things, and Gravity Falls had a baby. - This one would also require a fair bit of setting development in that I have not fully decided what the camp would be, i've mentioned Colorado, but this can be easily changed into something else. The minimum requirement for the camp environment at the least would be that it's near a forest, and a fairly large body of water. - In terms of character a small group is proffered, four main PC's and a handful of valuable NPC's. For the character they have to be at least within the same age group. Generally speaking i'd prefer teenagers just by virtue it'd be easier and more realistic for them to move around. We can also go by way of them being both campers, volunteers, or even camp counselors. [/quote] If you've already read all that please let me know in PM what you think and we can discuss from there how to move forward. At the moment for Uncharted Water there's little else for me to say since outside of world building there's not much that's needed to do with that series since it's highly grounded in reality anyway outside of the supernatural elements.