Reserved for Mentors [hider=Marcus Smith] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][/url] [color=red]Height:[/color] 8’6” / 259cm [color=red]Weight:[/color] 1057lbs / 479kg [color=red]“I just think that if you take time out of your day to help someone else, you’ve been a hero in your own way. And maybe if we all did that, then we could make the world a better place, little by little, every day.”[/color][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Name:[/color][/b] Marcus Smith [b][color=red]Alias:[/color][/b] Saint, “The Saint of Angels” [b][color=red]Gender[/color][/b]: Male [b][color=red]Age[/color][/b]: 29 [b][color=red]Personality[/color][/b]: [INDENT]Looking like a monster for so long, Marcus is a little overwhelmed by the fact that people view him as a hero, though he tries to live up to their expectations. He carries himself well in public, though there are those who insist they can see through the cracks in his persona from time to time. Appearing on-scene during criminal activity, he has never once had to raise his fists against someone else, his red-hot form towering over would-be villains. That being said, he hates confrontation, and is a rescue specialist to the near-exclusion of other hero activity. Rarely speaking in public, those who have talked to the hero say that he is soft-spoken and patient, tending to use fewer words when possible. Children love him.[/INDENT] [b][color=red]Background[/color][/b]: [INDENT]Marcus Smith was born in a small, suburban neighborhood on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Bullied from the time he was a child, he took refuge in schoolwork, becoming a shy, bookish child. As he grew older, he befriended his elementary school janitor, a blind man who introduced him to others his age with quirks. None of them were mutants, but all the same they formed a sort of exiles’ club at the public school. They stood up for each other, Marcus always looking up to the smaller members of the club who would protect him. Though he was never physically harmed, his freakish appearance led him to be the main target of abuse. All the same, his friends turned his life around. He would never forget that. Midway through his seventh year of education as their clique was socializing after school, the earthquake struck. Hundreds had died, thousands were injured, and Marcus felt a stirring inside of him as he heard a cries for help beneath the debris gathered for miles around. Gathering his friends, he led them to use their quirks, saving dozens of lives, returning again and again to the rubble to find anyone they could. The story took the nation by storm, children leaping to the aid of those who had spurned them, called them dangerous aberrations. Soon, Marcus and his friends had graduated, taking government pensions under the Hero Act of 2046. The trend swept the nation, Heroes popping out of the woodwork as more and more of those with Quirks began working to make the world a better place. Marcus currently stands as one of the most well-known heroes, the “Saint of the Angels” from California, specializing in rescue work.[/INDENT] [b][color=red]Quirk[/color][/b]: [b]Bat Outta Hell[/b] [INDENT]A mutation Quirk, Bat Outta Hell has caused more than its fair share of trouble in Marcus’s life, causing him to look like a giant monster even in his younger years. Physical capabilities aside, he is also capable of superheating the area immediately around him, melting stone and concrete. Because of this, his strength, and his gigantic hands, he is able to burrow at swift speeds through most materials. The combat ramifications of this ability are obvious, along with the impressive heat resistance it grants. His hide is thick enough to stop small-arms fire. His strength is impressive, befitting of someone his size. Though not able to punch down skyscrapers with a single right hook, he boasts the might of not one, but two gorillas. Three on a good day. Bat Outta Hell has two significant drawbacks, however. As a result of his size, he must consume an average of 15,000 calories a day in order to support his mass. Additionally, when he generates heat, he cannot force himself to cool down. As such, his costume incorporates a pair of easily removed, insulated tungsten gauntlets in order to allow him to heft those he seeks to assist. Matching pants have been acquired for the sake of modesty.[/INDENT] [b][color=red]Talent and Skills[/color][/b]: [INDENT]-Degree of Civil Engineering: Marcus continued his studies after school, stating that his mother “would kill him” if he didn’t go to college. More than that, his studies coupled with a good innate sense of spacial awareness allow him to make tunnels without having to worry about them collapsing behind him. -Botany: Though animals tended to be frightened at his monstrous appearance, Marcus’s plants were always by his side. He keeps a small garden on base. -Empathy: Marcus has spent a great amount of time watching and listening. The man is decent at reading others, and has a decent head for words if you can get past the fact that his voice sounds like a stone mill filled with gravel and crude oil. -Artistic Pursuits(?): Frequenting museums across the nation, tabloids insist that Marcus paints and sketches in his free time. These claims are, as of yet, unverified, though he has been seen jotting notes to himself in a small book from time to time.[/INDENT] [/hider]