[color=eeee33]Kairos Threadbare[/color] Kairos paid little attention to the words that were flung around the temple interior, the prospect of a battle had faded as each individual sort to disengage from the current situation. More pressing was the ideas that were projected into his mind, it seemed a group of these ‘thoughts’ were coming up with the idea that the individuals in this room had somehow been mentally linked, the ‘surface’ thoughts of others rippling over from their stream of consciousness to each other. [color=eeee33][i]’An unsettling prospect to have others poking around in my head, there’s only room for one in here[/i][/color] Kairos thought to himself, no doubt the idea would be spilling out to the others though. Shaking his head he glanced back to where the relic had been minutes earlier. Perhaps this strange experience was just a side-effect of its destruction, with enough distance and time it was possible that such stray thoughts from these other individuals would be unable to reach. Turning to leave he couldn’t help but pause as Sofia’s thoughts reached his mind once more, with the mention of Sheolan. Focusing his eyes on her he spoke aloud, not wishing to commune via thought just yet [color=eeee33][b]”Sheolan you say? Would that make you a servant of our current Megalomaniac Zeph?[/b][/color]. His words carried carried a humorous edge but there were undercurrents of a doubtful accusation [color=eeee33][i]’She doesn’t bare the colours of his army though that could mean little given the secretive nature of the current task[/i][/color]. More importantly, as he asked his question, Kairos made a note of the others reactions to Zeph’s name - for most outside of the Empire’s army it had almost become a curse word. Thus far it seemed as though none here were in liege with the madman, but given the current situation with surface thoughts leaking out, it might be a good chance to catch such an individual off guard, and might save some of those looking to hitch a ride with such an individual from any trouble